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  1. Daniel26

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Hey, you will receive an email from Member Service. Still wondering how quick they replied...
  2. Daniel26

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Hey, submitted my work experience yesterday and received the approval a few hours later :) Thought this would take much longer.... So I guess - official FRM certified :)
  3. Daniel26

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Passed!!!! 1,1,2,2,2 Thank you David!
  4. Daniel26

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Reporting and surrival bias seems to be true for after exam discussions as well. Enjoy your studyfree time. No its no longer in our hands. Thanks David for you high qualitaty work. Great support for studying. Was dona after apprx. 3h but lot of qualitative questions where two questions could...
  5. Daniel26

    delaurentis - chapter 2 - recovery

    I have read it many times now and still not 100 percent sure. But I guess the main point he makes is that Recovery depends heavily on the jurisdiction and type of contract and that this information is lost if you look at a Recovery from a generalized or global point of view. So from a model...
  6. Daniel26

    Win prizes for forum participation!!

    Hey Nicole, that's really nice. Thank you very much :-) I would like to take the Amazon Gift Card as well.
  7. Daniel26

    CVA Questions

    To make it as simple as possible and to give you another practical example where is no upfront payment like in a long option position: 1) Suppose you are a Swap Dealer at a Banks Swap Desk. We assume there is no DVA. A client with lets say a BB rating wants to enter into a fixed rate payer...
  8. Daniel26

    FRM Part I November 2013 results released

    Thanks BIONIC TURTLE !! Great Job David! Passed with 1,1,1,1
  9. Daniel26

    GARP Sample Question 2011 Swap Rates --> Fwd rates

    Hey, in the Products Focus Review there is a question given Swap rates and you have to calcuate the 2y forward rate starting in 3y. Swaprate 1y = 3,5% 2y = 4% 3y = 4,5% 4y = 5% 5y = 5,5% Why don't we need to bootstrap the curve in a first step? My point is that a swap rate is paying the...
  10. Daniel26

    Binomial valuation for dividend paying stocks.Please help!

    Underlying = AUD/CAD but quote is CAD/AUD =1,35 AUD you have to take 1/1.35 to get AUD/CAD = 1/1.35 CAD... Then anwer a is correct.
  11. Daniel26

    Binomial valuation for dividend paying stocks.Please help!

    this is really confusing me...i think if you quote a currency like CAD/AUD = 1.35 AUD then rf = 2.4% and q = 2% Answer 'a' makes only sense if you quote the currency like 1 divided by 1.35 so that 1 AUD = 0.74074 CAD Think about this: If interest rates in AUD are higher than interest...
  12. Daniel26

    Binomial valuation for dividend paying stocks.Please help!

    I think the answer should sell 25 Futures. This is because he will sell the bronze at the market price in 3m (this is the way i understand the question). So if the market price will decrease the underyling postion will lose. Therefore short the future should be the correct position... Buy 25...