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  1. S

    Exam Feedback FRM Part 2 (November 2014) Exam Feedback

    Hard luck mate. Clearly the cut off would have somewhere in the lower fifties. Cos I clearly struggled with more than 25% of questions and could not have got more than 60-65 %( upper range). For me FRM has given a positive surprise. Quartile results 1-1-1-2-2
  2. S

    Exam Feedback FRM Part 2 (November 2014) Exam Feedback

    As per GARP's posting in the attached forum its gonna be announced only on 2nd Jan.
  3. S

    Exam Feedback FRM Part 2 (November 2014) Exam Feedback

    Hi Nicole/David, Based on your experience, do you always get this kind of "very Difficult" feedback from students or are we a "bunch of ill prepared losers"
  4. S

    Exam Feedback FRM Part 2 (November 2014) Exam Feedback

    Same here. Preparing for one more month would not have made any difference.CFA L2 syllabus is voluminous but here the questions were vaguely worded. I thought BT question drills we're very good. There were sufficient qualitative questions but in the exam the focus was on 'best', 'most likely'...