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    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    There was one EWMA question in which we need to find correlation. Was 0.64 the right answer ??
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    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    Did anyone remember about the shape of volatility curve question. Intially it is going downwards what will the shape of volatility curve if volatility will increase in future?
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    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    For ES and VaR i answered when losses will be same but really not able to remember that there was any option that if losses will be same in the left tail. And for liquidity i answered 2 year zero rate, not sure abt my answer.
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    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    Did anyone remember the answer when ES and VaR will be same and one question that was on liquidation prefrence theory?