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  1. L

    FRM results released!!

    I just found out the 2009 FRM Exam Result Analysis report. I got 2nd Quartile for Foundations of Risk Management and Financial Markets and Products, the rest are 1st Quartile in full exam. FRM is the first financial exam that I took. I have never taken any level of CFA before and have no...
  2. L

    Any Feedback on FRM 2009 Exam ?

    I got email from GARP. Officially passed! Thank everyone on the forum for helping me along the way. Thanks David!
  3. L

    Any Feedback on FRM 2009 Exam ?

    where can I find the resume builder?
  4. L

    Any Feedback on FRM 2009 Exam ?

    Is there anyone by chance check out this way and also saw this message appeared long time ago, before Jan 5th 2010 but after the FRM2009 exam? I think Garp feel that challenging us by the exam is not enough, they decided to challenge me (or my patient) by the waiting time for result released...
  5. L

    Any Feedback on FRM 2009 Exam ?

    I'm not sure.I also hope it's not a bug. There are several bugs by the organizer that I met on the way of FRM exam that I am not dare to believe in this. Hope for me, when the result is officially released, it's not heart-breaking.
  6. L

    Any Feedback on FRM 2009 Exam ?

    I got it. You should choose the option returning candaidate to register for 2010 FRM exam, then if you pass, you will see FRM Exam Registration Our records show that you have already passed the FRM Exam. Once accreditation is awarded, you do not need to retake the exam. But i am not...
  7. L

    Correlation of default calculation of KMV and CreditMetric

    Hi, I wonder if there is any difference between the methodologies used by KMV and CreditMetric to calcualte correlation of defaul . Definitely, both of them make use of correlation between equity prices. However, is there any difference in the way KMV and CreditMetric make use of equity prices...
  8. L

    Smoothness of return and positve serial correlation

    Hi all, I came across this question and would like to discuss with you all. Hedge fund XYZ has monthly returns that are extremely smooth. Which if the following of the smoohness of the reurn is false: A. Increase calculated Sharpse ratio B. lower the volatility and market beta C...
  9. L

    Capital Structure Aribitradge

    Hi, Is long a convertible bond; long position in put option on stock a similar firm a Capital Structure Arbitradge? In my opinion, it is not Capital Strucutre arbitradge since in both position, you long volatility. Thus in some way, you are betting an increase in stock volatility. Is that...
  10. L

    Convexity change when keeping duration constant

    Hi all, I cam across this " Holding constant yield and constant duration, the lower the coupon, the higher the convexity" I tried to find an intuitive way to interprete this statment but I could not find. Could anyone help me interprete this statement? Is there any contradiction between...
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    Maturity effect on low PD asset

    Hi, In the ASRF model under IRB for credit risk, it is mentioned that "Maturity effects are more dramatic for low PD assets" (PD is probability of ddefault). I cannot understand this statement. Could anyone on forum explain for me this statement? Thanks!
  12. L

    regarding spread risk in CreditMetric model

    Thank David for your answer. May I know what PRT stand for?
  13. L

    regarding spread risk in CreditMetric model

    Hi, I came across a question abt using CreditMetric model. The question mentioned that :"In computing firm-wide risk using the distribution of its loand portfolio, the bank is most likely to understate its risk because it ignores:..." Among several options, the answer is " Ignore spread...
  14. L

    Is there any undergraduate being FRM holder

    Yes, your reply answers my queries. Thank you very much, Fabian
  15. L

    Is there any undergraduate being FRM holder

    Thanks fabian_moa for your inspired reply! Could I ask you 1 question? As David mentioned above "But practitioners arguably have an advantage given that GARP’s method of administration does not lend itself to memorization as sufficient.", did you find that as an undergraduate, without any...
  16. L

    Is there any undergraduate being FRM holder

    Hi all, Do you know whether there is any undergraduate student who is FRM holder. I am going to finish my 3rd year (major in quantitative Finance, a degree offered by department of Mathematics ) at university soon and I am very interested in FRM certificate. I really want to take the full exam...