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  1. S

    Feedback on FRM 2010 Level I Please

    Compared with the practice tests of BT, Schweser, Pristine etc. i would definitely say that level 1 was on the easier side. GARP this time put more focus on testing the concepts rather than asking students to do lengthy calculations or memorizing big formulas. There were questions which were...
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    ARCH to EWMA

    I thought if you put alpha (the weights in ARCH) = (1 -lambda)* [ lambda ^ (n-1)] / (1 - lambda^n) it would turn to EWMA ??
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    Stock Options - some clarification needed

    Hi David, In John Hull i have seen the following three terms being used interchangibly to refer the same thing? 1) Price of an option 2) Payoff of an option 3) Premium paid on an option This confusion especially came when i was reading the binomial trees chapter in Hull Do they...
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    Formula for extending LIBOR zero curve

    Jack, you got the correct answer .... just that you are looking at the wrong period .... the forward rate that you have calculated is for the period of 400 days to 491 days which is indeed 5.3% as per the table on pg 46
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    Currency swap and CTD

    Hi David, One of the difficulties that i have faced with your website is that you have lots of useful articles from past year out there but its very difficult to find them because there is no index to search for :(. Suraj
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    Thirteen new learning spreadsheets uploaded

    Hi David, When are the video tutorials for market products coming out? ... i have already started with Hull and there are lots of places where i have doubts Suraj
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    Hi David, Which is the calculator that one should go for? The below link gives the FRM approved calculators:
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    Study Notes on foundation

    Hi David, The presentation on foundations on risk management covers only 3 assigned readings while there are 7 by GARP Will you be adding more presentations or should we go ahead and study on own on those readings? Thanks Suraj
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    Thanks a lot David for all the help
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    Hi David, I will most probably be giving FRM this year. But i am not sure whether i will be in US or India during November Wanted to know if change of test center can happen between countries GARP website only mentions that test center change can happen but does mention anything specific...