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  1. B

    Solving for exponent manipulation

    Hi, According to the hull notes on swaps we can solve the following for the value of r. 2.46+2.41+2.35+ e^(-2r) = 100 which gives an r = 4.99. Can someone step me through this solution, and/or provide a reference in the notes or elsewhere on the rules with respect to such problems...
  2. B

    Fixed vs floating rate interest swap

    Is there a video available explaining interest swaps?. Thanks in advance
  3. B

    2010 Live Webinar Review (Level 2, 1 of 2): Saturday October 2nd at 9 AM US EST

    Comment on the last webinar - very professional and well put together but very difficult in time allotted. I found the material to be a Lot to be covered in the time provided. Thought I was reasonably familiar with Black Scholes, but the example blew me away. I love the stuff that allows...
  4. B

    Supplementary / Beginner Maths Book for FRM

    Fortunately there are lots of good resources, and your instinct is correct, if you don't have you basic math skills together then this exam is a problem. Only you can assess whether you are 'rusty' (not a problem) or never knew the math in the first place. There are a couple of solutions...
  5. B


    Perhaps I can shed some light on this: Multicollinarity, simply refers to the situation where two or more independent variables i.e. the X's in a multiple regression move in unison. The extreme would be either a very close to one or negative one correlation. For example, say you regressed...
  6. B

    Exactly what is sufficient study material.

    I have seen reference to this question previously but not a definitive answer. For example I have two resources currently, Bionic Turtle and the FRM handbook. I would probably be considered a strong candidate given my background. Is this enought? Schweser, I don't even want to talk about...