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  1. V

    Results FRM May 2011

    go to exam logistics -> after the exam -> exam result ->May 2011 result, you will see the your result! i wonder how I passed level 2 though...1st quantile on market risk, 2nd on credit and ops risk, 3rd on investment and 4th on current issues......
  2. V

    FRM PART 2 Exam - may 2011

    What about the question of the netting with the arrows? With netting, without netting I think w/o CCP is 8, and with CCP is 0?
  3. V

    FRM PART 2 Exam - may 2011

    There was this one question about the value of a call option that has been bugging me; if I remember correctly: - 2 year bond with FV 1000 and PV 921.xx - RF 5% - If rates rise in 1 year, value of the bond will be 960 - if rates fall in 1 year, value of the bond will be 980 Q: what is the...
  4. V

    Historical VaR

    The schweser notes say the 99% 300 days VaR using historical simulation is the 3rd worst result. However, one of the 2010 GARP practice questions used the 4th worst result. My practical experience also tells me it should be the 4th one. What do u think?
  5. V

    Cost of carry

    This is a question from 2006 FRM exam: Consider a 6-month future on sp500 index. the dividend yield is 1.5% per year, and the interest rate is 5% per year. what's is the cost of carry for the future? I thought the answer was 2%, but the real answer is 4%. does the cost of carry have to be...
  6. V

    Credit risk in currency swaps

    because the counterparty will pay u more now, so ur credit risk exposure is actually higher than before.