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  1. R

    Q35: APT forecast returns (T1.Grinold-Chapter-7)

    Hello, Regarding Q35 on APT forcast returns (T1.Grinold-Chapter-7): I do not understand where the APT weights / sensitivities come from. Were these identified in the Grinold source text (which I do not have)? If I understand correctly, the sensitivity factors are subjective (assigned by...
  2. R

    Metallgeschaft - Contango / Backwardation

    In MG's case, the shift to contango involved: forward prices falling (with stable spot, notice this by itself implies backwardation) but spot prices falling even more. In this way, the forward curve shift from inverted to "normal" while generally drifting down. Now this is is a bad deal. The...
  3. R

    Where can I find the FRM I practice tests?

    I cannot seem to find the practice questions for FRM-I There were several reviewed in the webinar, but I would like to get more. I know David prepares many annotated practice questions, I just don't see them. Will they become available later in the course schedule, or am I just missing the...