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  1. T

    Questions on memorizing t and z scores

    This is perfect...thank you! I will start making it a point to read the tips newsletters from now on...
  2. T

    Questions on memorizing t and z scores

    OK, thanks.... This brings up probably a more crucial (and disturbing) point...I am having trouble determining *when* to use student-t methodology vs z-score vs chi-squared vs F-score, there a simple, easily memorized way for me to differentiate (i.e., when I see the that sample...
  3. T

    Questions on memorizing t and z scores

    David and other fellow posters: Do we get z-table and t-tables as an appendix on the exam, or do we have to memorize the critical values at certain confidence intervals? (i know things like 1.645 come up a lot but I don't know the z-scores) If we have to memorize, could you please again...