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  1. K

    FRM part II Nov 2013 result released!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Passed 1,1,1,1,2 using Bionic Turtle. Many thanks to David and his team!
  2. K

    Garp membership

    Hello everyone, I just received an email from GARP saying that my membership will expire in one month. I am currently an “individual member”and I would like to know if I can become an “affiliate member”, which is free, instead of renewing my membership as “individual member”. Is it...
  3. K

    2013 FRM Calendar (Updated 8/15/2013)

    Hello David and Suzanne, In the Part II operational risk section, the videos for "Chaudhury, A Review of the Key Issues" and "Cope, Challenges and Pitfalls " are exactly the same. Is it normal? Thanks Regards Kevin
  4. K

    Practice questions about Allen & Saunders chapter 2 & 3

    Hello David, Any practice questions available regarding the following topics? - Quantifying volatility in VaR models (chapter 2, Allen & Saunders) - Putting VaR to work (chapter 3, Allen & Saunders) I can't find it in the "how to" section. Thank you very much! Kevin