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    FRM part II Nov 2013 result released!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Passed part II Mkt risk 3 Credit 2 Op risk 1 Invs 2 Current issues 1 Thanks to David and the team :D
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    Thank you David and the BT Team (Let us all congratulate them here)

    Hi David and Suzanne, Wanted to say a big thank for all your help over the year. The material and constant help in answering questions and providing explanations was excellent. I've passed level II, perfect start to the year. Would be happy to recommend BT to future FRM candidates. Sunny
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    Merton model, a summary of the issues

    Hi David, Pls can I confirm I have the right formula, if LT/ST > 1.5 KMV appx strike price default point is ST+(0.7-0.3*ST/LT)*LT In the study notes I saw the formula like this ST+(0.7-0.3*ST/LT) Thanks Sunny
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    Results for May 2013 Exam Appear to Be Posted VERY Early

    Wow, backwardation u've scared me now, i did think why they came out early, but i've checked my quartile score on the garp website. I've already cracked open the champagne, too late to stop celebrating :p
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    Results for May 2013 Exam Appear to Be Posted VERY Early

    scores were 1,3,1 ,2, surprised i got a 2 in valuation and risk :). Definately down to all ur explanations David
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    Results for May 2013 Exam Appear to Be Posted VERY Early

    Hi David, Wanted to say a big thank you for all your help. I passed level 1. Still hasn't sunk in the exam was the hardest thing i've ever done, it was way harder than last novembers. Going to celebrate for a bit and prepare mind for level II Thanks Sunny
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    Bayes Theorem application -

    thanks for confirming shakti and thanks for calc breakdown
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    Bayes Theorem application -

    For part D) answer I'm getting is P(D1|S1&S2) = 0.009/0.057=0.1579 P(D2|S1&S2)=0.048/0.057=0.8421
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    Bayes Theorem application -

    Hi Shakti, thanks for the calcs this really helped with a subject that i haven't been able to get my head around. I had a question when calculating P(S1&S2) you had the following .15*.1*.6=0.09, I'm getting .009. Please clarify I did miss something out