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  1. Pam Gordon

    P2.T6.315. Tranche sensitivities in structure products

    AIMs: Define and describe how default sensitivities for tranches are measured. Summarize some of the different types of risks that play a role in structured products. Identify the motivations for using structured credit products. Questions: 315.1. According to Malz, "The default01 measures the...
  2. Pam Gordon

    P1.T2.310. Probability Distributions II, Miller Chapter 4

    AIM: Describe the key properties of ... the Poisson distribution, normal distribution ... and identify common occurrences of each distribution. Questions: 310.1. A large bond portfolio contains 100 obligors. The average default rate is 4.0%. Analyst Joe assumes defaults follow a Poisson...
  3. Pam Gordon

    P2.T6.314. Equity, junior and senior securitization tranche reactions to default rate & correlation

    AIMs: Describe a simulation approach to calculating credit losses for different tranches in a securitization of a portfolio of loans. Explain how the probability of default and default correlation among the underlying assets of a securitization affects the value, losses and Credit VaR of equity...
  4. Pam Gordon

    P1.T2.309. Probability Distributions I, Miller Chapter 4

    AIMs: Describe the key properties of the uniform distribution, Bernoulli distribution, Binomial distribution ... Questions: 309.1. Next month, the short interest rate will be either 200 basis points with probability of 28.0%, or 300 basis points, as a Bernoulli. What is nearest to the...
  5. Pam Gordon

    P2.T6.313. Three-tiered securitization structure cashflows, Malz 9.2

    AIMs: Evaluate one or two iterations of interim cashflows in a three-tiered securitization structure including the final cashflows to each tranche holder. Questions: 313.1. Let's assume the same three-tier securitization structure illustrated by Malz section 9.2 with identical assumptions, for...
  6. Pam Gordon

    T4.322. Empirical approaches to fixed income hedging

    AIMs: Calculate the face value of multiple offsetting swap positions needed to carry out a two-variable regression hedge. Compare and contrast between level and change regressions. Describe principal component analysis and explain how it is applied in constructing a hedging portfolio...
  7. Pam Gordon

    P2.T6.312. Structured credit products, Malz 9.1

    AIMs: Identify common types of structured products and the various dimensions that are important to their value and structure. Describe the role of capital structure and credit losses in a securitization. Evaluate a waterfall example in a securitization with multiple tranches. Identify the key...
  8. Pam Gordon

    P1.T4.321. Fixed income single-variable regression hedge

    AIMs: Explain the drawbacks to using a DV01-neutral hedge for a bond position. Describe a regression hedge and explain how it improves on a standard DV01-neutral hedge. Calculate the regression hedge adjustment factor, beta. Calculate the face value of an offsetting position needed to carry out...
  9. Pam Gordon

    P2.T6.311. Credit VaR using single-factor model, Malz section 8.4

    AIMs: Explain how Credit VaR of a portfolio is calculated using the single-factor model, and how correlation affects the distribution of loss severity for intermediate values between 0 and 1. Describe how Credit VaR can be calculated using a simulation of joint defaults with a copula...
  10. Pam Gordon

    P1.T4.320. Multi-factor analysis, partial PV01 and forward-buckets, Tuckman 3rd Ed

    AIMs: Define key rate exposures and know the characteristics of key rate exposure factors including partial ‘01s and forward-bucket ‘01s. Describe the relationship between key rates, partial '01s and forward-bucket ‘01s, and calculate the forward bucket ‘01 for a shift in rates in one or more...
  11. Pam Gordon

    P2.T6.310. Single-factor credit model, Malz section 8.3

    AIMs: Describe how a single-factor model can be used to measure conditional default probabilities given economic health. Compute the variance of the conditional default distribution and the conditional probability of default using a single-factor model. Explain the relationship between the...
  12. Pam Gordon

    P1.T4.319.Hedging positions with key rates, Tuckman 3rd Ed.

    AIMs: Describe the key rate exposure technique in multi-factor hedging applications and summarize its advantages and disadvantages. Calculate the key rate exposures for a given security, and compute the appropriate hedging positions given a specific key rate exposure profile. Questions: 319.1...