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    SOA exams

    Hi @David Harper CFA FRM, being back in the forum and just wanted to ask whether you have experience/insights with the SOA exams? What level of difficulty are the individual exams compared to the FRM or CQF? Would be interested to have your take on this. Thanks!
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    FAQ After Exam Questions about work experience

    No, academic experiences or academic qualifications do NOT count towards the work experience requirements.
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    Standard Deviation of Credit Losses

    Hi @dtammerz, "L" in this case denotes the principal amount of the loan. For simplicity it is assumed 1; L = 1 in this case. L = 1 Million. Hope this helps!
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    Malz single factor model

    Hi @David Harper CFA FRM, it's been a while since we have been touch. Hope you managed the last few months unscathed! Apparently GARP decided to follow the CFA Institute changing from paper-based to online exams. Interesting to see what has changed since the onset of the pandemic. Would like...
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    Problems in GARP's 2020 FRM material

    Hi @David Harper CFA FRM thanks for your reply! Yes, can't complain. Have been away from the forum for a while but as I am taking the PRM now I will be back more regularly I assume :) The LOs are there as you said but the external book chapters/authors have been removed (they had reference...
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    Problems in GARP's 2020 FRM material

    Hi @David Harper CFA FRM, just wondering why the removed all the reference books/papers in the learning objectives? This makes it way more difficult for future candidates to look up topics in the appropriate books I suppose.... Are they going to publish their own book like the CAIA does?
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    Reputation of the FRM in Europe

    I think the Solvency topic is rather a niche one which affects a minority of people on a daily basis. This is why GARP won't cover it; as you said it is a topic which will/should be covered in an actuarial exam and not in a more general program like the FRM. For sure you can always argue why a...
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    Reputation of the FRM in Europe

    @pengfrm, which countries are you referring to here? Across Europe the FRM is still not known a lot (and this won't change for the next years I am afraid) and what I hate most about all the job descriptions (across the globe) is the fact that if there is, for example, a vacancy purely related...
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    Indicator function - Expected shortfall

    Hi @David Harper CFA FRM, Perhaps this is a question for the broad community and I would like to ask sth. very specific about the indicator function on p.66 in Dowd's book "Measuring market risk" He writes that "the ES gives all tail-loss quantiles an equal weight, and other quantiles aweight...
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    CFA Question about CDO structure

    Hi @jsun124, It depends on the perspective. Issuer vs investor. In general, keeping everything else constant issuing more AAA CMOs for example would make the investors invested in the lower tranches worse off because the AAA-investors get their principal back first. Everything what remains...
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    Forum Links do not seem to work - RESOLVED

    Thanks @Nicole Seaman! Will be in touch tomorrow by mail. :)
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    Forum Links do not seem to work - RESOLVED

    Thank you @Nicole Seaman. Well, I can't show you more than this. What's odd is that if I click on my account I can't see my payment history (subscription) either. What's for sure is that the problem has nothing to do with my browser (Firefox), otherwise the access through my mobile would work...
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    Forum Links do not seem to work - RESOLVED

    Another random try which does not work: I tried the above link with my mobile (Android) as well and I can't access it either. So it has nothing to do with my browser or internet settings.
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    Forum Links do not seem to work - RESOLVED

    Hi @Nicole Seaman, Hi @David Harper CFA FRM, thanks for trying to help but much to my regret the problem is still there saying "page not found", error 404. Page not found. 1. I go to the search function 2. Enter Jensen 3. posted by "emilioalzamora1" 4. and then randomly choose the L1.T1...
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    Forum Links do not seem to work - RESOLVED

    It is apparently not working. When I search for "Jensen" looking for one of my posts which is to be found under: L1.T1.31. Sharpe, Treynor & Jensen's (Amenc) It says "page not found"
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    Bionic Beta wins the 1970s

    Hi @David Harper CFA FRM, just something funny aside from all the exam preparation. When you launched Bionic Turtle did this article somewhat influence the name "Bionic Turtle"? ;)
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    Forum Links do not seem to work - RESOLVED

    Hi @Nicole Seaman, Thanks for looking after this! I will try out later and let you know if there is indeed still an issue. ;)
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    Forum Links do not seem to work - RESOLVED

    I looked up of my posts through the search function yesterday and none of them worked. It seemed like that they have been removed from the forum. Perhaps this was just a temporary issue...
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    Forum Links do not seem to work - RESOLVED

    Yes, indeed this happened to me yesterday as well when I wanted look up something from my historical posts here in the forum.
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    Blog Week in risk (October 7th)

    Hi @David Harper CFA FRM, very impressed to get such a feedback in your "Week risk". Thank you! "terrific answer about interest rate vol for convertibles" To a certain extent some of the credit is owed to the CAIA text I have to admit :)