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  1. C

    Exam Feedback May 2018 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    I also didn’t receive any tracking number before. They just told me this time (Dec 28th) is going to send me the tracking information. You try to send them email again. They will ask you to confirm your address. Once confirmed, they will add your name to the Dec 28th distribution list.
  2. C

    Exam Feedback May 2018 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    I wrote three times to GARP and finally replied me yesterday. They said add me to the certificate distribution list scheduled for December 28th. The estimated delivery time is 7 to 10 business days, depending on location. The good news is that you will receive an email with tracking...
  3. C

    Exam Feedback May 2018 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Anyone still waiting for the physical certificate? I still haven’t received mine
  4. C

    Exam Feedback November 2017 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    I have blue one. I remembered answer b was a smile and answer d was a frown. I also struggled between smile and frown. I picked frown as my final answer ( I don't remember the reason why I picked this) You guys all think frown was incorrect?
  5. C

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    Sorry I don't recall my answer
  6. C

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    I did the same. Maybe somewhere I plugged the numbers incorrectly.. thx
  7. C

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    And also same issue in the question of cumulative default probability from transition matrix (current is B rated), I also can't get the right answer, did u?
  8. C

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    Yes it is early exercise and I got the answer.
  9. C

    Exam Feedback May 2017 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    Did anyone remember a question with two loans: 500M and 750M, and ask you the unexpected loss of this portfolio loan. Am pretty sure all my steps are correct and I only can get the answer around 113M, which does not match with all 4 answers. What's the trick there? Also, a question provide a...
  10. C

    2016/2017 Curriculum Change Analysis

    @Nicole Seaman @bake5472 yes, u are correct. I used another device and works now. Thx
  11. C

    2016/2017 Curriculum Change Analysis

    Can't open the link. Could you pls help to fix it? Thx
  12. C

    Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    How to solve the unexpected loss on the two loans? I remembered the equation, but still couldn't solve it... Is a tough exam
  13. C

    Exam Feedback May 2016 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    But I got 2323 also failed.