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  1. F

    Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    FRM CPD is voluntary. Only ERP CPD is mandatory. Since FRM is already a really difficult and powerful exam in 195 countries, feedback is widely activated. 2017 CPD program is as follows - • For FRMs, participating in the CPD program is currently voluntary...
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    Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Global Finance is evolving. As the number(& level) of global FRM candidate increased significantly, FRM exam became very difficult. In addition, FRM is familiar with the CFA and there are many simultaneous candidates. If these situations continue, the difficulty level of FRM exam continue to...
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    Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Yes! Have been certified! Congratulations!
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    Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    You're right. I am looking forward to it.
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    Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Me too. It has not been updated yet
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    Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Passed! My program message was right. Your enrollment will expire on November 2021!
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    Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 1 Exam Feedback

    I have the same message. I am a Part II candidate. My Programs say Your enrollment will expire on November 2021. (certified process?) Till 5 hours ago, message was you have to pass part II until 2018 Nov. \
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    Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Incremental VaR is the exact (fully simulated) answer to the change in VaR resulting from removal of the position. Marginal VaR, as a partial derivative, informs an linear approximation to removal--or just a change--in the position; i.e., marginal VaR gives us Component VaR which is an...
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    Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Backtesting VaR 1. The 1996 Amendment requires to backtest the one-day, only 99% VaR over the previous 250days.(GARP BOOK) 2. According to the 1996 Amendment, market risk VaR also should be calculated with a 10-trading day time horizon and 99% confidence level.(GARP BOOK) 2. Sample size...
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    Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Well, MVaR focuses on risk and ways to reduce risk. This is a question of how to reduce the risk. I chose MVaR.
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    Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    1. Lengthening the period may not be as practical, because the nature of markets, portfolios and risk changes over time (GARP BOOK) 2. Basel Committee requires that market VAR confidence level and Backtesting confidence level both should be calculated at 99% confidence level (GARP BOOK)...
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    Exam Feedback November 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    1. backtest VaR model I chose reject because test statistic was above critical value 1.65(95%) 2. PSA, SMM ? a : 0.5% SMM b: 0.9% SMM ?? c: 115% PSA ?? d: ~% PSA 3. Anyone rmb on one question regarding RAROC? RAROC a : 8% b : 8.2% c : 8.6% d : 10% 4. Anyone rmb on one question...
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    Exam Feedback May 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Options : Pricing, Greeks & Strategies: A GUIDE FOR OPTIONS BASICS Put delta "-1" is better than "0" As you see, put delta -0.71 .. - 0.61 .. -0.48 Put Option : If Spot price decrease, Option is exercised (In the money option)
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    Exam Feedback May 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    As spot price increases Call delta increases and Put delta decrease. I have a book, "Options : Pricing, Greeks & Strategies: A GUIDE FOR OPTIONS BASICS " The Book says that If spot price increases, Call delta increases and Put delta decrease. Because Call premium increases and Put Premium decrease.
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    Exam Feedback May 2016 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Does anyone remember Distance to Default problem? S=20 X= 7+ 0.5x7 = 10.5 Volatility = 28% R = 5%(???) T = 1 DD = 2. 34 , BB/ BBB- " (2.2 ~ 2.5