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  1. B

    P2.T9.907. The impact of fintech innovations on payment services and the changing landscape of investments (Gomber)

    I just feel the correct wording for 907.1 question II point should be as below. II. Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that is closely associated with digital ledger technology (DLT) which is the use of decentralized digital trust verification through encrypted digital signatures
  2. B

    Errors Found in Study Materials P2.T5. Market Risk (OLD thread)

    P2.T5.404. Lessons on value at risk (VaR) implementation: Typo Hello, I assumed their is a type in P2.T5.404 answer. Correct answer is B (404.1. B. False: "Scaling of short-horizon VaR to a longer time horizon with the commonly used square-root of-time scaling rule has been found to be an...
  3. B

    Errors Found in Study Materials P2.T5. Market Risk (OLD thread)

    P2.T5.303. Simulations with short-term interest rate models: 303.3 Typo Hello, Its regarding Answer for 303.3 which is given as Option A. But in explanation its mentioned as "In regard to (A), (B), and (C), each is TRUE" and respective explanation is given for each option mentioned. Whereas it...
  4. B

    P2.T5.504. Rank correlations: Spearman's and Kendall's

    I feel small amendment is required. It should be "X(i) and Y(i), are shown below for the five years from 2010 to 2014" instead of "X(i) and Y(i), are shown below for the five years from 2010 to 2103" in questions 504.1 & 504.2.
  5. B

    P2.T7.412. Basel III operational risk, continued

    I think heading should be amended. It indicates as " P2.T7.412. Basel III operational risk, continued" whereas questions are marked as 416.
  6. B

    P2.T7.705. Extreme value theory (EVT)

    I feel that small correction is needed in heading. It should be P2.T7.705. Extreme value theory (EVT) instead of P1.T7.705. Extreme value theory (EVT)