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  1. B

    Any Feedback on FRM 2009 Exam ?

    it seems that the passing rate is high. Good morning, It is tough to estimate the passing rate with the confusion and the lack of information form Garp on this subject. I have also passed. :) Thanks for your your feedbacks. I wish there had been feedbacks for the two threads I have...
  2. B

    Any Feedback on FRM 2009 Exam ?

    2009 FRM Candidate Results will be emailed to the same email address from your profile, no later than Tuesday, January 5, 2010 at 5:00pm (New York time). Good afternoon, From what is indicated on the garp web server, we should get the results during the next four hours. Good luck. :)
  3. B

    Any Feedback on FRM 2009 Exam ?

    We (all the training providers) had a conference call with GARP this morning and Chris Donahue (GARP Research Director) essentially reiterated the point from NewTurtle's response; i.e., ”I would view all the reading material as testable unless we have explicitly said that a section will not be...
  4. B

    Return computation for sharpe ratio

    Good afternoon, In practice, what kind of returns are used to compute a sharpe ratio: log-return or net return? Thanks in advance for your answer.
  5. B

    Any Feedback on FRM 2009 Exam ?

    I wonder if the box spread question was put in the exam on purpose. Had I known this was the process I would've studied it. Hello mdecav, Honestly, one big challenge with the full FRM is to learn the big amount of material covered (including to know, by hart, details like in BII aims)...
  6. B

    Any Feedback on FRM 2009 Exam ?

    personally think that the cutoff this year will be lower than the previous years, something around 60%. Good morning, Why should it be lower this year? Thanks in advance for your answer.
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    Any Feedback on FRM 2009 Exam ?

    Good morning, Would you know how the pass rate is computed: nbPassed / nbRegistered or nbPassed/nbTakenTheExam This percentage varies from 37% to 62.7%. Would you know why the volatility of the pass rate is so high? Thanks in advance for your answer.
  8. B

    Any Feedback on FRM 2009 Exam ?

    I think I took an absolute random guess on around 8 or so questions out of the 100 (I did Level 1), but I know I'm still borderline. I feel the same way I did when I took CFA L2 in June. Thought I did well enough just to pass and unfortunately got a 'fail-10'. Hello mdecav, Having not to...
  9. B

    Any Feedback on FRM 2009 Exam ?

    @benoit16, Thanks for your further input. About the transparency, I wholeheartedly agree, as a provider I totally support the value of transparency. But frankly, GARP will need to improve their own rigor before they can be transparent. I must be dense, what happens on the 5th of January? As...
  10. B

    Any Feedback on FRM 2009 Exam ?

    Hello, There were 32 people taking the exams in Geneva. Less than 10 seats were empty. Discussing with friends who passed it last year, It used to be around 20 taking the exam and 20 empty seats. I have discussed with my neighbor after the test. He had just passed his Master of Finance...
  11. B

    Any Feedback on FRM 2009 Exam ?

    @benoit16: FANTASTIC DETAILS. Very helpful!! Wow! Hello David, I really appreciated JOp posting something similar last year: That is why I posted these questions. Thanks to JOp and also you for accepting me on this forum,
  12. B

    Any Feedback on FRM 2009 Exam ?

    6. Four investment choices were given with their residual returns and residual risks. We have to choose an investment with a min of 2% residual return over benchmark and with the highest information ratio. Some data was missing for the fourth investment which meant we need to calculate that...
  13. B

    Any Feedback on FRM 2009 Exam ?

    Hello, Full exam taken in Geneva. I hope I pass, but "I should not sell the bear skin before killing as we say in french". It is all the most true as I had to guess several questions because I would have lost too much time on it. The key risk parameter for this exam is TIME management...
  14. B

    Compute the se of partial slopes and intercept

    Good afternoon, This may go beyong the aim of the FRM, but I guess you that you may be able to help me. To compute the the t-stat associated to each coefficient of a liner regression you need to compute : Beta(i) / StandardError(Beta(i)). On your video on linear regression you use the...