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  1. N

    FRM November 2007 Results

    David, I wanted to thank you dearly for all the support you provided during the long tedious few months leading up to the test. I am sure you probably hear this from all of your students, but without your class and especially you teaching it, I don’t think I would have had a chance of...
  2. N


    Why are we subtracting the economic capital from the total loan value in estimating the ineterst charge? from our example, Are banks not borrowing 1 billion from the depositors and making a loan for higher charge? The capital requirement for this loan is 100m and banks invest in highly liquid...
  3. N

    Theta on European Put Option

    Why is the theta on european put options be positive sometimes? I can say maybe sometimes by looking at the mathematical expression but how we can explain qualitatively.
  4. N

    supervisory backtesting framework

    Under the supervisory backtesting framework, how do we count the number of exceptions at 99% confidence level?
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    maturity adjustment -IRB credit risk weight function

    Why is the maturity adjustment in the IRB credit risk weight function higher for low PDs?
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    Implicit default prob (#2)

    The market trades a 1-year bond at 50bp credit spread, and a 3-year bond at 60bp. In the USD market conditions as of fall 2001 and with a recovery rate of 50 percent, what is the implicit probability of default before year 3? a) 1%. b) 2%. c) 3%. d) 4%. What are the treasury rates for...
  7. N

    Implied default probabilty

    David: Please help me in solving the following questions... 1) The US Government Bond Zero Curve give a 1-year semiannual yield of 4 percent, on the same basis a corporate security has a yield of 5 percent. What is the market implied 1-year default probability of the corporate...