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  1. N

    Survey November 2023 Exam Results - Part 1 and Part 2

    I left the exam with an ambiguous feeling. Part 2 was quite tricky compared to Part 1 and had several poorly worded questions and some very specific questions probably covering a sentence one rather skips when going through the GARP material. As with Part 1, BT prepared me well and in the end...
  2. N

    FAQ Before Exam Where can I find previous GARP practice exams?

    Thank you for providing the 2020 practice exams as well!
  3. N

    Confidence Interval - Monte carlo

    Hi David, why do we multiply SE by 1/n to increase the accuracy by a multiple of n if “SE scales with the sqrt(1/n)”? Do we (incorrectly) use n for the sample size as well as for the multiplier to increase the accuracy / reduce the CI length? Here are my thoughts on the different approaches...