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  1. C

    2021 Exam Updates from GARP (for 2021 postponed exam updates only)

    Thread on the FRM subreddit suggesting technical issues with the computer based exam today provided by PSI... great...
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    2021 Exam Updates from GARP (for 2021 postponed exam updates only)

    Not surprised at all Tom given the difference in P1 vs P2 venue/testing format of CBT vs Hotel - I expected this to happen actually. Extremely disappointing that GARP haven't a) facilitated CBT for P2 this May or even b) pushed the May exam out to June/July i.e. a much sooner date when...
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    2021 Exam Updates from GARP (for 2021 postponed exam updates only)

    Just received an email confirmation about Part 2 postponement in Dublin until December :oops:
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    2021 Exam Updates from GARP (for 2021 postponed exam updates only)

    @Bluefox21 I just checked (I'm due to sit P1 and P2) and mines is the same as you've stated above. Poor again from both PSI/GARP to have this slip through - imagine may need to ring/email PSI to explain/clarify? Thanks for flagging that too, I probably should have checked soon given how fussy...
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    FRM Part One Study Group Ireland 2020

    @Bluefox21 Bluefox, would be greatly appreciated if you could post in here (assuming the exam goes ahead) on Saturday evening to confirm you did indeed sit the exam. @Nicole Seaman - would Bluefox giving us a simple yes/no as to whether the exam went ahead be classified as "discussing" it, per...
  6. C

    FRM Part One Study Group Ireland 2020

    Just realised now that CFA L1 went ahead back in February - run by Prometric (similar type outfit to PSI), and apparently higher education was deemed an acceptable reason at the time to travel outside the 5km restriction.. interesting.
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    FRM Part One Study Group Ireland 2020

    I think P1 CBT has a better chance of going ahead given the different testing sites and dates etc. but honestly couldn't call P2. I had a look yesterday on the GARP portal and apparently the venue for P2 is the same Crowne Plaza Santry as where the new Hotel Quarantine is taking place?! I also...
  8. C

    FRM Part One Study Group Ireland 2020

    Hi all Dublin takers - has anyone considered trying to switch venue for the exam to somewhere in the UK? I'm signed up for both parts but am not optimistic about the currently situation here. Thinking I could possibly try switch my exam site(s) to Edinburgh where it would be more likely to go...
  9. C

    2021 Exam Updates from GARP (for 2021 postponed exam updates only)

    @Tommccabe I'm going to try and sit both in May - how realistic a proposition that is, I'm not sure. P1 is CBT format so I'll be pretty miffed if I couldn't even sit that, given that it's GARP's and other institutions' answer to COVID and the pandemic, but with the way cases are in Ireland, I...
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    2021 Exam Updates from GARP (for 2021 postponed exam updates only)

    @Nicole Seaman Thank you for this - my interpretation of GARP's language sounds like it could do with some improvement!! :p I actually thought they meant a journey to the physical site - in my defense I think it could been worded more clearly on their end - website would have avoided any...
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    2021 Exam Updates from GARP (for 2021 postponed exam updates only)

    @Nicole Seaman Hi all - just to add some information from a recent query I had with GARP on this. When I saw the note on the BT forum saying that candidates had to go to the test site, I asked GARP if this was the case - I had already registered my sitting/time in the test site in Dublin. I...
  12. C

    2020 Exam Update from GARP (updated on a regular basis)

    I absolutely will keep you in the loop, and have been operating in the same manner as yourself i.e. studying as if it were to go ahead. Sorry If I gave you an unnecessary shock! I just couldn't believe it when the person used the word "unlikely".. in any case, I emailed GARP (not that I expect...
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    2020 Exam Update from GARP (updated on a regular basis)

    @ktrathen How do you think we are looking to have the exam(s) proceed in Melbourne next weekend? I called the MCEC today and the person on the phone said it was "unlikely" but that he couldn't say for certain and that I should contact GARP! Have you had any correspondence thus far? I will be...
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    2020 Exam Update from GARP (updated on a regular basis)

    I would say of transfer, accept, mitigate, or avoid, they're certainly going with the latter...
  15. C

    Beta and Hedge Ratio

    It intuitively would make sense to obviously always use returns, as it scales both asset price series into a comparable format, and once exposure of the asset and hedge are matched off, a negative return in the asset will then produce an equal and opposite positive return on the hedge. Went back...
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    Beta and Hedge Ratio

    Hi all, I couldn't find a relevant thread on this, but apologies if this has been asked before - I've got myself in to a bit of a quandary around the calculation of "beta", or as we know, the slope of the regression line, for instance between an asset and the hedge. The typical methodology I...
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    2020 Exam Update from GARP (updated on a regular basis)

    @mattheweidinger Thank you for sharing the above. I'm hoping to write Part 1 in Melbourne in November and I could foresee it as being a possibility if there were only 30-40 candidates but at this stage, who knows. I agree with @ktrathen also - whatever will be will be, but it would be preferable...
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    2020 Exam Update from GARP (updated on a regular basis)

    I understand that CFA has moved to computer-based testing.. but isn't it still to be at a test site where all individuals gather en masse, as opposed to candidates sitting it in their home? In which case if so, doesn't solve for the problem of needing to socially distance the candidates...
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    2020 Exam Update from GARP (updated on a regular basis)

    @ktrathen I also live in Melbourne and was pretty dismayed by the announcements from the Premier last weekend. We have been in some form of stage 3/4 restrictions from July, so it'll be more than a little disappointing if almost 5 months of curtailment (beginning of July to 21 Nov) is not...