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  1. S

    Interactive quiz

    For FRM 2, do the interactive quizzes incorporate all questions in the textbook or is it different questions to those in the textbooks?
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    Should I purchase BT study materials before the new curriculum is released for next year?

    Hi, Looking to register for level 2 and buy Bionic Turtle's level 2 study pack. I want to find out if i would not be disadvantaged if I buy the study pack now so as to get a head start in my studying - I'm just afraid of curriculum changes...please advise
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    Course Number of practice questions (link to XLS)

    Since receiving access, I have completed two chapters, namely, (1) Building blocks of Risk management and (2) How do firms manage risk chapters. The number of questions related to these topics from Bionic turtle is 21 (in total) - based on those available when selecting "practice question...
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    Course Custom Quizzes / Quizzes with randomised questions across multiple categories

    Is there a way of generating random questions on the website on each sub topic without having to always click on a link that takes you to Vital source? I would like to randomise questions and retake them.
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    Course Getting Started With Your Purchased Materials

    I've just paid for FRM 1 material however, I do not know how to access the practice questions - help please