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  1. K

    Course Errors Found in 2024 Study Materials P1.T3. Financial Markets & Products

    Hi Nicole, on pg. 750 (Ch. 16, properties of interest rates), the last bullet point on the changed bond price should be "$93.96 (= 94.21 - 0.2496)". Currently, it shows "96.96343" as the adjusted bond price. Thank you!
  2. K

    Course Errors Found in 2024 Study Materials P1.T4. Valuation & Risk Models

    Ch. 3, Measuring and Monitoring Volatility Pg. 107 Typo in the calculation for Annualized Portfolio Variance: the inputs read "0.52*0.12 + 0.52*0.22..." when it should be "0.5^2*0.1^2 + 0.5^2*0.2^2)..." (The learning spreadsheet has the right inputs and volatility calculated) Thank you!