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  1. J

    FRM Results Nov 2010

    Does anyone know what the "analysis of results" will contain? Last year the analysis simply contained the quartile information. However this year they've already given us the quartile analysis alongside the pass result - so I'm not sure what the further analysis will contain?
  2. J

    FRM Results Nov 2010

    Another pass here - so that's level I in Nov 09 and now level II in Nov 10 - both with a lot of thanks to Bionic Turtle!
  3. J

    FRM Exam

    I agree - L2 was much harder than L1 last year! There were several calculation-based questions that were very involved. As before, GARP had at least four different versions of the exam paper to stop cheating (so you can't really compare exact answers very easily). From what I remember...
  4. J

    Exam day tip?

    I think they provided all the information you're after in an email they sent out on 21st October 2010. Last year I recall them being quite strict - if it is not in the first list (and on your desk) or in the second list (and under your chair) then you can't take it. Simple as that. Note that...
  5. J

    Past Exam Questions

    Hi David, Do you review past exam questions in the forum? I have the CD containing a lot of past FRM exam questions (from the FRM Handbook) - but the given answers are often more cryptic than the question itself! If you do review them, do you separate out into Part 1 and Part 2? With the 2...
  6. J

    GARP Errors

    Is anyone else worried by the sheer number of errors that GARP seem to make in not only their sample questions but also their past exam questions? I've been going through these over the last few weeks and I have to say that I'm more than a little bit shocked by the number of typo's and more...
  7. J

    VAR - Converting time horizon

    The formula you quoted for diversified VaR is nothing but the formula for adding the standard deviations of two normal distributions. It works for ABSOLUTE VaR because this is simply a constant (Z) times the standard deviation. So RELATIVE VaR must be added in the same way that the means and...
  8. J

    Topic Weights for L2

    Apologies if this has already been asked/raised - but why do the weightings suggested by the forum titles not match those given by GARP for level 2? The forum gives an equal weight of 20% to each of the topics. The GARP documentation for 2010 suggests the weighting should be as follows...
  9. J

    FRM Results - Peer comparison

    On GARP's FAQs they mention that although they will not give a score (only pass/fail) they will still provide peer comparison analysis... Does anyone know how I find this on their site? Or should it have been emailed to me with my pass result?
  10. J

    Anyone got their results

    Ha - and 5pm is already 5 hours later than the "Exam Quarterly" email in September said the results would be released by!
  11. J

    Any Feedback on FRM 2009 Exam ?

    GARP's site is full of bugs. I can't navigate a single page without being warned about various scripting errors or unsigned certificates!
  12. J

    Anyone got their results

    Are you saying you've received confirmation of your results? Or that you're inferring a pass because you can sign up for Level II?
  13. J

    Any Feedback on FRM 2009 Exam ?

    A few more bits of information about the L1 exam that I just remembered - that may or may not prove useful to others: 1. We were given a a table of probability values for the standard normal distribution (that needed to be used for some hypothesis testing). 2. One question required a...
  14. J

    Any Feedback on FRM 2009 Exam ?

    Yeah - I found I could easily discount 2 of the answers in most cases. Oh - and I am a PhD quant and still thought some of the questions were too verbose!!
  15. J

    Any Feedback on FRM 2009 Exam ?

    I've just finished the level 1 exams. I found them both quite hard - but mainly because of the time constraints. I found that there were very few questions that could be read and "digested" in less than a minute. This problem was, in a few cases, made worse by what I thought was poor use of...
  16. J

    London L1 is a disaster!

    There were about 100 people taking the exam. One didn't show for the afternoon (that sure confused the proctors!) and one turned up 5mins after we started the PM session - but bizarrely was still allowed in. I also spotted at least 1 typo in the PM exam (or at least my variant of the exam).
  17. J

    London L1 is a disaster!

    Ok - so we started an hour later than scheduled - which just means less time before afternoon session. There were some noisy builders on site to add to the stress and the carbon copy paper didn't work well/at all. Overall my impression of GARP's organisation skills are not great!
  18. J

    London L1 is a disaster!

    Turned up at the exam site. Queued for 15 minutes. Searched for my name on the register for another 5 minutes... Turns out level 1 candidates have been given the wrong exam site!! What a mess! Nothing like adding to the exam stress levels!
  19. J

    Core Reading Versus AIMS

    Hmmm... nevermind. Just seen that the Core readings from the digital library do actually say they don't include Hull chapters. Great.
  20. J

    Core Reading Versus AIMS

    Hi all, Are the core readings supposed to exactly mirror the reading lists given in the AIMS? I purchased - and subsequently read - the printed copy of the Core readings for the Level 1 exam. However, looking through the AIMS I can see a lot of extra readings that weren't provided in the...