1. Nicole Seaman

    2017: Part 2 New and Updated Published Materials

    This thread is to give our members a quick reference to the new and updated Part 2 materials that we publish throughout the 2017 exam period. Please see our announcement HERE for more information on our publishing process. :) Topic 5: Market Risk Measurement & Management Reading 35: Dowd...
  2. Nicole Seaman

    2017: Part 1 New and Updated Published Materials

    This thread is to give our members a quick reference to the new and updated Part 1 materials that we publish throughout the 2017 exam period. Please see our announcement HERE for more information on our publishing process. :) Topic 1: Foundations of Risk Management Introduction to Foundations...
  3. Nicole Seaman

    2016/2017 Curriculum Change Analysis

    Below are the spreadsheets that we prepare every year to analyze the changes in the GARP curriculum from year to year. This analysis shows readings that have been removed, added and changed. Any readings in red have been removed in 2017, readings in blue are new to 2017 and readings in black are...
  4. Nicole Seaman

    Important Please Read: Publishing Process for 2017

    The 2017 GARP curriculum has been released! We have received questions about when the 2017 materials will be available. We will begin to publish the new materials this month, and we will continue to publish materials throughout the exam period (January through November). This means that the...