
  1. Nicole Seaman

    P2.T9.800. New expected credit loss models in IFRS 9 (IASB) and GAAP (FASB CECL) (Cohen)

    Learning objectives: Describe the reasons to provision for expected credit losses. Compare and contrast the key aspects of the IASB (IFRS 9) and FASB (CECL) standards. Questions: 800.1. According to Cohen and Edwards, which of the following is the BEST, good reason (among the choices given) to...
  2. R

    Expected Credit Loss not dependent on Correlation?

    Hi David, I am not able to understand why the Expected Credit loss is not dependent on Default Correlation? Eg., If the default events between A and B are correlated then.. E[A and B] = E[A] * E [ B ] + Correlation[A,B] * SD[A] * SD [ B ] From this formula the Expected Credit Loss for 2...