
  1. Nicole Seaman

    P2.T6.24.33. Wrong-Way Collateral, Modeling, and Central Clearing

    Learning Objectives: Identify examples of wrong-way collateral. Describe the various wrong-way modeling methods, including hazard rate approaches, structural approaches, parametric approaches, and jump approaches. Explain the implications of central clearing on wrong-way risk. Questions...
  2. Nicole Seaman

    P2.T6.917. Wrong way risk (Gregory Ch.17)

    Learning objectives: Describe wrong-way risk and contrast it with right-way risk. Identify examples of wrong-way risk and examples of right-way risk. Discuss the impact of collateral on wrong-way risk. Discuss the impact of wrong-way risk on central counterparties. Questions: 917.1. Among its...
  3. Nicole Seaman

    P2.T6.914. Pricing counterparty risk with the credit value adjustment (CVA) (Gregory Ch.14)

    Learning objectives: Explain the motivation for and the challenges of pricing counterparty risk. Describe credit value adjustment (CVA). Calculate CVA and the CVA spread with no wrong-way risk, netting, or collateralization. Questions: 914.1. Your colleague has drafted guidance for your firm's...
  4. Nicole Seaman

    P2.T6.714. Wrong-way risk, counterparty credit risk (CCR) stress testing, and credit support annex

    Concept: These on-line quiz questions are not specifically linked to learning objectives, but are instead based on recent sample questions. The difficulty level is a notch, or two notches, easier than bionicturtle.com's typical question such that the intended difficulty level is nearer to an...