
  1. U

    Determination of N(d1) and N(d2)

    Hi everyone! I have a question related to the BSM model. When we calculate N(d1) and N(d2), we’re using cumulative normal table(Z-table). but in this example it states that d1 = 0.1783 -> N(d1) = 0.5708 and d2 = 0.03688 -> N(d2) = 0.5147. Can someone explain why the results are different from...
  2. Eustice_Langham

    FAQ Exam Are Z Tables provided on the exam?

    Hi, I have currently completing some practice exams provided by Kaplan Schweser, and one of the questions states, ..."Note that on the exam, you will not have access to z-tables, so you would have to reason this one out using the normal distribution approximations"...I was of the understanding...
  3. A

    FAQ Exam How do we get critical (lookup) values during exam; e.g., critical normal Z or critical student's t?

    Are lookup tables provided in the FRM exam or do we use the calculator to find the critical values of the normal or t distributions? Thanks.
  4. L

    Z-Table during the exam

    Hi David, In the FRM handbook there is the following question: "Assume that a random variable follows a normal distribution with a mean of 80 and standard deviation of 24. What is the probability that this random variable is not between 32 and 116?" I think that it is required the z-table in...
  5. T

    Questions on memorizing t and z scores

    David and other fellow posters: Do we get z-table and t-tables as an appendix on the exam, or do we have to memorize the critical values at certain confidence intervals? (i know things like 1.645 come up a lot but I don't know the z-scores) If we have to memorize, could you please again...