2019: Part 1 New and Updated Published Materials

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Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
This thread is to give our members a quick reference to the new and updated Part 1 materials that we publish throughout the 2019 exam period. We include the date that the materials were updated or published so you know that you are using the most up-to-date materials.

Please make sure to read our publishing process thread here before asking questions about if and when specific materials will be published: https://forum.bionicturtle.com/threads/important-please-read-publishing-process-for-2019.22026/. Thank you :)

Foundations of Risk Management
  • Reading 1, Crouhy: Study Notes Updated 03/13/19 to v7.1
    • LO removed: Explain considerations and procedures in determining a firm’s risk appetite and its business objectives.
  • Reading 5, Brunnermeir: Study Notes Updated 03/12/19 to v7
    • LO added: Describe the key factors that contributed to the lending boom housing frenzy.
    • LO added: Describe the economic mechanisms through which the mortgage crisis amplified into a financial crisis.
    • LO removed: Describe the key factors the led to the housing bubble.
    • LO removed: Explain the purposes and uses of credit default swaps.
    • LO removed: Describe how the financial crisis triggered a series of worldwide financial and economic consequences.
  • Reading 5, Brunnermeir Practice Question Set Updated 07/05/19 to v5.1
    • Pages 17 & 18 updated to reflect additional content from the forum
  • Reading 6, Gorton: Study Notes Updated 03/13/19 to v7
    • LO removed: Distinguish between triggers and vulnerabilities that led to the financial crisis &their contributions to the crisis.
    • LO removed: Describe the main vulnerabilities of short-term debt especially repo agreements and commercial paper.
    • LO added: Describe the historical background and provide an overview of the 2007 —2009 financial crisis.
    • LO added: Describe the build-up to the financial crisis and the factors that played an important role.
  • Reading 7, Stulz, Risk Management Failures: Study Notes Updated 08/29/29 to v9
    • LO updated: Explain how risk management failures can arise in the following areas: measurement of known risk exposures, identification of risk exposures, communication of risks, and monitoring of risks.
    • LO updated: Explain the role of risk metrics and discuss the shortcomings of existing risk metrics.
  • Reading 11, Principles for Sound Mangement: Study Notes Updated 03/27/19 to v9
    • Addition to LO: Identify the governance framework, risk data architecture and IT infrastructure features that can contribute to effective risk data aggregation and risk reporting practices
    • LO Added: Describe the role that supervisors play in the monitoring and implementation of the risk data aggregation and reporting practices.
  • Global Topic Review PQ Set Updated 10/22/19 - v5.3
    • Page 5 (forum link fixed)
    • Page 36: 611.1 and 611.2 errors fixed
  • T1 Interactive Quiz and PDF Updated 10/22/19 to v5.2
Quantitative Analysis
  • Reading 13, Miller: Practice Question Set Updated 02/08/19 to v11.5 (errors fixed)
    • Pages 8, 9 & 10
    • Page 22
    • Pages 112 & 113
    • Pages 134 & 135
    • Pages 210 & 211
  • Reading 14, Stock & Watson: Study Notes Updated 02/08/19 to v9.1 (errors fixed)
    • Pages 11 & 12 only
  • Reading 14, Stock & Watson: Study Notes Updated 08/29/19 to v9.2 (errors fixed)
    • Pages 12, 19 & 43: pointed out HERE in forum
  • T2 Interactive Quiz and PDF Updated 10/22/19 to v5.3

Financial Markets & Products
  • Reading 18, Hull RMFI: Study Notes Updated 02/08/19 to v5-3
    • Page 43 (exhibit added)
  • Reading 18, Hull RMFI: Practice Question Set Updated 02/08/19 to v5-1
    • Page 4 (text added from forum)
    • Page 42 (error fixed in 700.2)
  • Reading 18, Hull RMFI: Study Notes Updated 03/12/19 to v7
    • Chapter 2 new LO added: Evaluate the capital requirements for banks.
    • Chapter 3 LO change: Describe the use of mortality table and calculate premium payment and the expected payout for a policyholder.
    • Chapter 4 new LO added: Distinguish between active and passive management and define alpha.
  • Reading 19, Hull: Practice Question PDF Updated 04/16/19 to v11 (errors fixed only)
  • Reading 19: Hull: Study Notes PDF updated 10/07/19 to v9.1 (errors fixed only)
  • Reading 20, McDonald: Study Notes Updated 03/22/19 to v9
    • LO Added: Calculate a continuous lease rate for a commodity asset.
    • LO Added: Explain the relationship between the lease rate, the convenience yield, and the storage cost.
    • LO Removed: Compare the lease rate with the convenience yield.
    • End of Chapter Q&A Added
  • Reading 21, Gregory Ch 2, 3 & 14: Study Notes updated 04/12/19 to v7
    • We only moved some of the text to a new learning objective in Ch.2, therefore the text is the same as the previous version but in a different order and elaborated on a bit.
  • Reading 22, Saunders: Study Notes Updated 03/22/19 to v11
    • LO Added: Calculate and explain the effect of an appreciation/depreciation of a currency relative to a foreign currency.
    • LO Added: Explain the purchasing power parity theorem and use this theorem to calculate the appreciation or depreciation of a foreign currency.
  • Reading 23, Fabozzi, Chapter 12: Study Notes Updated 04/26/19 to v9
    • Updated throughout to add more informational content
Valuation & Risk Models
  • Reading 25, Allen, Chapters 2 & 3: Study Notes Updated 04/02/19 to v7-4
    • Page 21 updated to correct mistake pointed out in the forum
  • Reading 27, Hull, Chapters 13, 15 & 19: Study Notes Updated 10/28/19 to v11
  • Reading 28, Tuckman, Chapters 1,2, 3, 4 & 5: Practice Question PDF Updated 04/05/19 to v9.1
    • New practice questions added to the current PQ set: 900-913
  • Reading 28, Tuckman, Chapters 1,2, 3, 4 & 5: Practice Question PDF Updated 04/05/19 to v9.2
    • Error fixed on page 10 only
  • Reading 28, Tuckman, Chapters 1,2, 3, 4 & 5: Study Notes PDF Updated 04/05/19 to v7
    • Forum errors fixed in current PDF. Page 74 only.
  • Reading 28, Tuckman, Chapters 1,2, 3, 4 & 5: Study Notes PDF Updated 04/08/19 to v7.1
    • Error on Page 6 fixed
  • Reading 29, Damodaran: Practice Questions PDF Updated 04/26/19 to v9
    • New practice questions added to current PQ Set
  • Reading 30, deServigny: Practice Question PDF Published 05/14/19
  • Reading 30, deServigny: Practice Question PDF Updated to v1.1 11/06/19
  • Reading 32, Hull, Chapter 23: Study Notes PDF Updated 04/10/19
    • Updated wording in learning objectives ONLY
Part 1 Review
  • Mock Exam F PDF Updated 04/17/19 to v1.3 (errors fixed only)
  • NEW Full Interactive Mock Exam 2 Published 05/07/19
  • Mock Exam B PDF Updated 11/14/19 to v2.3 (error fixed only)
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Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Study Notes PDF Updated 03/12/19

Financial Markets & Products

Reading 18, Hull RMFI: Study Notes Updated 03/12/19 to v7: https://learn.bionicturtle.com/topic/study-notes-hull-risk-management-chapters-2-3-4/
  • Chapter 2 LO added: Evaluate the capital requirements for banks.
  • Chapter 3 LO change: Describe the use of mortality table and calculate premium payment and the expected payout for a policyholder.
  • Chapter 4 LO added: Distinguish between active and passive management and define alpha.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Study Notes PDF Updated 03/12/19

Foundations of Risk Management

Reading 5, Brunnermeir: Study Notes Updated 03/12/19 to v7: https://learn.bionicturtle.com/topi...eciphering-liquidity-credit-crunch-2007-2008/
  • LO added: Describe the key factors that contributed to the lending boom housing frenzy.
  • LO added: Describe the economic mechanisms through which the mortgage crisis amplified into a financial crisis.
  • LO removed: Describe the key factors the led to the housing bubble.
  • LO removed: Explain the purposes and uses of credit default swaps.
  • LO removed: Describe how the financial crisis triggered a series of worldwide financial and economic consequences.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Study Notes PDF Updated 03/13/19

Foundations of Risk Management

Reading 1, Crouhy notes updated to v7.1: https://learn.bionicturtle.com/topic/study-notes-crouhy-chapters-1-2-4/
  • LO removed: Explain considerations and procedures in determining a firm’s risk appetite and its business objectives.
Reading 6, Gorton: Study notes updated to v7: https://learn.bionicturtle.com/topic/study-notes-gorton-metrick-getting-speed-financial-crisis/
  • LO removed: Distinguish between triggers and vulnerabilities that led to the financial crisis &their contributions to the crisis.
  • LO removed: Describe the main vulnerabilities of short-term debt especially repo agreements and commercial paper.
  • LO added: Describe the historical background and provide an overview of the 2007 —2009 financial crisis.
  • LO added: Describe the build-up to the financial crisis and the factors that played an important role.
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Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Study Notes PDFs Updated 03/22/19

Financial Markets & Products
  • Reading 20, McDonald: Study Notes Updated to v9: https://learn.bionicturtle.com/topic/study-notes-mcdonald-chapter-6/
    • LO Added: Calculate a continuous lease rate for a commodity asset.
    • LO Added: Explain the relationship between the lease rate, the convenience yield, and the storage cost.
    • LO Removed: Compare the lease rate with the convenience yield.
    • End of Chapter Q&A Added
  • Reading 22, Saunders: Study Notes Updated to v11: https://learn.bionicturtle.com/topic/study-notes-saunders-chapter-13/
    • LO Added: Calculate and explain the effect of an appreciation/depreciation of a currency relative to a foreign currency.
    • LO Added: Explain the purchasing power parity theorem and use this theorem to calculate the appreciation or depreciation of a foreign currency.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Study Notes PDF Updated 03/27/19

Foundations of Risk Management
  • Reading 11, Principles for Sound Mangement: Study Notes Updated 03/27/19 to v9: https://learn.bionicturtle.com/topi...ffective-data-aggregation-and-risk-reporting/
    • Addition to current LO: Identify the governance framework, risk data architecture and IT infrastructure features that can contribute to effective risk data aggregation and risk reporting practices
    • LO Added: Describe the role that supervisors play in the monitoring and implementation of the risk data aggregation and reporting practices.
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Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
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