About 1.5 months from Exam Day...



With just over 1.5 months from exam day (Part I) where should we stand in terms of our preparation?

For myself I haven't taken a practice exam yet because I don't feel that I got all the material covered enough yet.

I started studying for the exam with Schweser notes (read through all 4 books) with some reading from the GARP books but really stepped it up about 2 months ago when I signed up for BT and started working through the problems sets. Quantitative Analysis part right now is my weakest area as I haven't covered it yet with BT. Not worried very much about the Foundations of Risk Management but also haven't covered it with BT so that will need some work. So while Financial Products & Markets and Valuation and Risk Models got ALL of my attention in the past two months I still am far from mastering it and even though my comfort level is much improved would like to spend more time on it if I have it.

Plan to take off from work the last week before the exam.

Would love to hear some input from others / David on where should we stand at this point in the game, most effective/efficient way to spend time in the last couple of weeks, etc.

Cheers and good luck.
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