Advice on Exam strategy/ preparation material required.


New Member
Hello to everyone, I am thinking of starting FRM journey and taking exam(s) in November 2010. But I need to understand clearly what my preparation strategy should be and whether to take both Levels at the same time. Obviously the sooner I pass this the better but I want to be realistic about my chances to pass. I’m have just taken CFA L1 and I have MBA (major in finance) which make me think that some of the FRM material is not new to me. However, I need to decide now if I am taking both levels or just L1 to begin with. I can dedicate 2 hours a day and most of the weekends. What you be your opinions (i.e. L1 or both)?

Secondly I need to decide on preparation the material. I have Financial Risk Manager Handbook, 5th ed-Philippe Jorion book but no CD. What else would you recommend? From my CFA experience I understand that the preparation is about doing as many practice questions as possible and concentrate on weakest areas. From my CFA preparation: I was not impressed with Kaplan’s material (QBank, Secret Sauce) as it barely resembled the actual exam. On the contrary when I bought Elan (mock exams) I got real value for money I had paid. How does Kaplan´s QBank FRM is compared to other similar products? And what other options?

I am hoping to get ball rolling next weak so prompt replies will be much appreciated.

Thanks a lot

Regards, Alex