FAQ Exam Deferring the exam and my BT subscription


New Member
Hello, please accept my apologies if the following questions have already been answered in another forum:
1. I have deferred my part II exam to November 2016, will i need to pay another subscription to continue accessing the material till November 2016?
2. Does anybody know if the FRM syllabus will change between May and November?


Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hello, please accept my apologies if the following questions have already been answered in another forum:
1. I have deferred my part II exam to November 2016, will i need to pay another subscription to continue accessing the material till November 2016?
2. Does anybody know if the FRM syllabus will change between May and November?

Hello @Kidza401

All of our subscriptions are valid for one full year from the date of purchase, so your subscription is valid until January 2017 (you can always check your expiration date under My Account on our website). Also, the GARP curriculum does not change from May to November. GARP changes the curriculum each year, and it is released around December for the following year.

Thank you :)
