First impressions: 2012 FRM Part 1 (L1) reading list

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi, I hope you Part 1 takers are enjoying a brief break from studies!

The 2012 AIMS are not yet published, although we've seen the draft (and been given a chance to input). Wanted to share my thoughts (I pretty much agree with trabala's view)

Executive Summary: Little to no change to Part 1 (L1) with little impact on a study plan in terms of concepts to be reviewed. In my many years of association with the FRM, this is the least amount of year-over-year change to the L1 assignments that GARP has delivered.
... that's not a criticism from me. I am impressed that GARP has responded to feedback on the P1 AIMs, based on the draft I have seen (but cannot share), but these edits appear to be quality enhancements (corrections, tightening) that do not impact concepts. If you happen to read something elsewhere about meaningful changes to L1 (a tired selling tactic), sorry, it just ain't true where it matters.
(But, David, why should i buy your 2012 L1 product, if 2011 is still good, plus i can get free stolen copies on the internet? because my 2012 is going to be so much better since we can focus on a tighter program, less AIM-by-AIM and more concepts with use-case applications. Less concept change gives us more room to improve).

Selected details on four P1 topics:

T1. Foundations. Two deletions but concepts utterly UNCHANGED.
Amenc chapter 4 has narrowed to a section, but honestly, i think the whole chapter is still helpful as the exam continues to, ahem, over-represent CAPM.

  • Stulz Chapter 2, CAPM (investors) and risk management. I wanted both Chapters 2 and 3 deleted, because they are perennial sources of confusion. (Stulz is a great man, but we can now tally years of gripes and say politely that he is not the clearest writer on the planet). I'm glad one chapter was deleted, but alas, Chapter 3 builds on Chapter 2, so I'm not sure it's a "net savings" with regard to concepts.
Retained (of interest, not comprehensive):
  • Elton's four (4) chapters on CAPM and APT. Based on the exam feedback I read, it appears the exam continues to like CAPM-based questions (e.g., Treynor) more than I do. Although it seems to me these readings still tilt to the theory, whereas the CAPM questions are more straightforward or vanilla
  • Steve Allen's CASE STUDIES. Eight cases are assigned, BUT the challenge is that GARP will not test nearly all of them, yet they always tests at least one of them (see Hend's note, looks like Banker's Trust was tested last month). I would not underplay the cases, I would be ready for more case questions.
T2. Quantitative Analysis. Readings UNCHANGED, including Stock & Watson for Econometrics. Hull goes to 8th edition (I don't have the new edition, yet, but so far incremental Hull editions have seen few material differences)

T3. Markets & Products: UNCHANGED
Saunders on Foreign Exchange (FX) Risk should read Chapter 14 from 7th edition. But chapter is unchanged (except for one helpful image) from the 6th edition.
I guess T3 is all there is w.r.t. sovereign risk (hmmm .... good thing sovereign risk doesn't matter and isn't in the news much these days :eek: ). Tentatively, this look like an error to me, it looks to me like sovereign risk has been forgotten?!

T4. Valuation and Risk Models: generally UNCHANGED Just the one deletion on CCA Sovereign risk.

  • Gray, Merton and Bodie's Contingent Claims Approach to Measuring and Managing Sovereign Risk (good riddance; it never made sense to look at CCA before getting introduced to the Merton model that it employs. That is, cart:horse :: CCA:merton)
Retained (of interest, not comprehensive):


Active Member

I think both:
- Grinold Chapter 7, APT and
- Anthony Saunders and Marcia Millon Cornett, Financial Institutions Management: Sovereign Risk
were already not part of FRM Level 1 2011.


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Trabala, thanks you are correct (I was thinking of 2010; Suzanne has this correctly in her XLS, that we will share once we reconcile the AIMs, but my memory did not serve me well)

Fixed above, thanks!


New Member
Hi David, for your practice questions section T1. Stulz Chapter3 & paper. Questions 40.1 how to get the NORMSDIST (-1.65) by not using spreadsheet? we are only allow to use calculator in exam. Is there a formula?

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
CharlyZzz: one of the acceptable calculators can calc the normal CDF, but neither the TI BA II+ nor HP 12C can do so, and GARP therefore must provide the N(.) or, far less likely, provide the table. The two glaring exceptions are:
  • N(z = -1.65) = 5%
  • N(z = -2.33) = 1%
You need to know those, but trust me, you will know them by exam day. The basic delta-normal VaR uses a 95% or 99% confidence, so we are constantly using 1.645 and 2.33. It's nice to know a few other common quantiles but for anything atypical, you'll just get the N(.) given to you b/c you don't have a spreadsheet or stat book, thanks, David


New Member
Hi David

I recently received my study materials for L1 of the FRM program.

While reviewing the readings in the 2012 FRM exam study guide I noticed the names of the stated chapters don’t reconcile with the book (I have only reviewed part 1 “Foundations of Risk Management”)

Study Guide

Chapter 3 ……………………Creating Value with Risk Management

FRM Book Part 1

Chapter 3 ……………………Delineating Efficient Portfolios
Chapter 2 ……………………Creating Value with Risk Management

Are you able to assist ?

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member
Hi Morizonzo,

I've checked the Study Guide and confirmed that it does show Chapter 3 - Creating Value with Risk Management. In reference to the FRM Book Part 1, are these the books that you purchased through GARP? If so, I will check with David and ask him to check the contents that they have to see what it shows. Unfortunately, I don't have direct access to this information. Please let me know if that is what you are referring too and I will get back with you ASAP with an answer.



New Member
Hi Suzanne
Thank you for getting back to me.
Apologies , but I have since realised the error of my ways.. yes I was refering to the books I purchased through GARP..
My error was I thought the AIMS would map to the chapters of the GARP study materials, but they dont..they map to the excerpt of the books that the GARP study materials reference.


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi Morizonzo,

As as own the source books, I did not purchase P1 from GARP. So I can't confirm the issue ... however the P1 books should definitely map 1:1 to the assigned chapters in the Study Guide; e.g., Stulz Chapter 3 Creating Value with Risk Management [has never been Chapter 2]; Elton and Gruber's Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis, 8th Edition, Chapter 5, Delineating Efficient Portfolios [should not be Chapter 3].

We will ping our GARP contact to check if the chapter numbers are misplaced, but in the meantime, trust the chapter names.

Now within a chapter, I can't tell if you mean this, but the AIMS will not have a necessarily rigorous mapping to within-chapter sections. But the AIMs will definitely map to content within the assignment, generally in sequence. In fact, the AIMs can confirm you have the correct reading: if the AIMs don't make sense against the chapter, it's probably the wrong chapter. Thanks, David