Course Formula Sheets


Hi Nicole,

For FRM 1, will those formula sheets in review sections cover all the formulas you must memorise. Are there any formulas that don't have to be memorised. E.g will some be given in the exam? If so, where can I find out what will be given in the exam. Thanks

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hi Nicole,

For FRM 1, will those formula sheets in review sections cover all the formulas you must memorise. Are there any formulas that don't have to be memorised. E.g will some be given in the exam? If so, where can I find out what will be given in the exam. Thanks
Hello @mbbx5va2

We are in the process of updating the formula sheets to include formulas that may not be in the currently published documents. The current formula sheets include most of the formulas that you will need for the exam, but as always, we recommend that you follow the current GARP learning objectives to make sure that you have learned the concepts that they will be testing. There are too many formulas for us to tell you which ones you need to memorize and which ones you don't.

If you have questions about a specific formula, our forum has many discussions, which you can find by using the search function here: Typing in any concept will generally bring up many threads with discussions. We are always happy to help if you are not able to find an answer to your question after searching.

Thank you,

New Member
Hi team

is there a full set of formula sheets available in download able form for members to refer to. Thanks.

