FRM 2008 results ?


Acquisitions Risk Manager
When is FRM 2008 results will be announced?
According go GARP, it will be published on Jan 20th 12.00PM ET.
Does that mean in the afternoon or the midnight on Jan20th ?
I always get confused when it comes to 12.00 PM and 12.00AM.


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Philip: Congrats, really great to hear! I am curious: you seemed to work the Practice Q&A;. Did you do lots of practice questions, was that key for you? David


New Member
Got my results a few minutes ago -- Passed. Thanks David for putting all of this together. Your video lectures and podcasts were key to my success. Congrats to everyone who made it.


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
@Ankit: I don't know, I just pinged my GARP contacts to ask your question (they only told me about the email, so i don't know if there is a login/snail mail backup notification). David


New Member
It looks like how passed candidates perform in each section is not yet available. Any passed candidate able to get section-wise analysis?
Thank you David.
I was a bit surprise I passed. I went through all your lectures and summary chapter Q&A;also. I used the 3rd edition FRM handbook and complete the reading and questions. I used Schweser 2 Mock exams (morning and afternnoon papers) and the GARP's given three mock exams. In average, my mock exams score was about 70%. (I didn't complete the core readings - may be just 5%)

The actual exam was very different from all I expected. It was also more difficult. I have to fill in a couple blind guess mutiple choices (~8) in the morning paper on top of many questions I was not sure about. Due to the time constraint, I have to make some professional guesses. The afternnon paper was better because there were more calculation type question but still the some questions were too lenghtly. I managed to finish the afternoon on time with some professional guesses also.

Even I was not entirely confident I will pass but seemed to me everything I did add up.

One thing I have to praise your lectures are that It made the study process interesting and I can easily grasp concepts from a non-math background person like me. I really enjoyed your lectures. The Schweser notes were a bit bored and dry. (Of course, this is not an enterainment I would expect.)

I passed CFA level III in June 2008 also. Relatively speaking, CFA exam is more consistent with what I would expect from my preparation work. I gues it is a more mature exam itself.

Once again, I enjoy and thank you for all your help in preparing 2008 FRM exam.

Philip Wong


Manager-Corporate Banking
YO Passed .....Thanks David for your great help and tolerating all my stupid questions with smart replies....Thanks a lot



New Member
Thanks a lot David...For your wonderful slides and lectures...I passed the 2008 exam only because of you even though I started preparing in October.....thanks once again David.....
