FRM 2009 AIMS is out


I find AIMS for 2009 is posted in GARp website. Being a candidate I downloaded it. Dont know i can share freely with members. I am sure you would have got it.
A cursory glance make the heart beat faster Running to 86 app pages)
venkat. Any quick feedback.


New Member
It says on the website that the AIMs are only available for paid candidates. David would most probably be allowed to share them at some point.

I'm not too sure what to make of these AIMs, except for the earlier conclusion that this exam is going to be bigger than last year...

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
@venkat: I just got them myself; we providers don't generally have any special advantages except I needed a draft version to start the foundations, you might have noticed....I have the same exact reaction: a cursory glance makes the heart beat faster!

@arne: I just confirmed with my GARP contact: unlike the Study Guide (which is freely available; hence I posted at top of this forum), the AIMs are for paid FRM candidates only (and providers like BT). Neither of us is permitted to share; i.e., I am not allowed to post.
