FRM exams after having passed CFA + other questions


New Member
Hi everybody !

I have 3 questions for you :

1/ I passed all 3 CFA levels, on first attempt, and relatively recently. I'm more from an economic background rather than mathematical / engineering one. I currently work in audit. How long would it could take to me to pass each levels of the FRM exam (in hours), would it be longer than level 2 ?

2/ Do you know where i could find online PDF of the lessons of the FRM ? I dlike to have a good glance at the curriculum before launching myself in it

3/ For the CFA, there were schweser books which were pretty fine. I pratically never used anything else. Is there something equivalent for the FRM levels (good book based content) ?

Thank you for your time.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hi everybody !

I have 3 questions for you :

1/ I passed all 3 CFA levels, on first attempt, and relatively recently. I'm more from an economic background rather than mathematical / engineering one. I currently work in audit. How long would it could take to me to pass each levels of the FRM exam (in hours), would it be longer than level 2 ?

2/ Do you know where i could find online PDF of the lessons of the FRM ? I dlike to have a good glance at the curriculum before launching myself in it

3/ For the CFA, there were schweser books which were pretty fine. I pratically never used anything else. Is there something equivalent for the FRM levels (good book based content) ?

Thank you for your time.
Hello @Trollan

1. Regarding how many hours it would take for you to pass each Part of the FRM exam: This is very difficult for anyone to answer, as each person spends a different amount of time studying for the exam. For some guidance, a GARP survey conducted in May 2015, FRM Exam Part I candidates indicated that, on average, individuals devoted about 240 hours to exam preparation. Individual figures, however, varied from less than 100 hours (10%) to more than 400 hours (14%). The information in this study guide thread may be helpful, as some of our members have provided the number of hours that they studied:

2. Do you know where I could find an online PDF of the lessons of the FRM? GARP provides the study guide and learning objectives here on their website:!/frm/study-materials.

3. Is there something equivalent to the FRM levels (good book based content)? Here at Bionic Turtle, we offer all of the study materials that you will need to study for the FRM exam. All of our materials are published online in our organized study planner: You can view all of our testimonials HERE, however, I'm sure our current members here in the forum can tell you how useful our study materials are. We only provide high-quality materials and we provide support in our forum for those materials. We have over 4,000 practice questions for you to study from, along with study notes, instructional videos, interactive quizzes, learning spreadsheets, and mock exams. You can view all of the study packages that we offer here:

I hope this is helpful!
