FRM Part II - Professional Package


New Member
Hello David,

I would like to thank you first for all your efforts in providing all the tools that will enable success in the exam. I had a small query though. I had bought the Part II professional package which includes the videos and the focus reviews (obviously that is why it is more expensive). However, I noticed that some of the sections do not have videos. I also noticed that the focus reviews are the same which were published for the November 2012 FRM Part II exam. Obviously, the material has changed significantly to some extent since. Is there any plan to publish the missing videos? Also, is there any plan to update the focus reviews? Thank you for your input.

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi @Holmes

Thanks. Yes, absolutely. This month (August) is devoted to bringing current most of the outstanding notes, PQ documents and learning spreadsheets. Then we are devoting September and October to significant video updates. (updated FRs probably November). However, some sections will not (will never) have updated videos: it's just neither possible, nor frankly wise to the exam. GARP will send us (along with other training providers) the draft 2015 syllabus and, for example, we won't even try to update readings that get dropped. I hope that helps, thanks!


New Member
Thank you David. I am obviously not trying to question your plan. I hope though that you will have the chance to update the Focus Reviews. They surely helped me a lot in passing Part I. Best Regards.

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi @Holmes Thank you, I really do appreciate that, and updated Focus Reviews are on the calendar (I realize their importance and am committed to providing the best study support we can be!). Thanks,

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
@Holmes No, I'm going to record new focus reviews at some point but, candidly, this forum receives dozens of queries a day and I am personally moving away from responding to status updates. We are always updating the content as best we can, with an emphasis on fresh practice questions. Thanks,


Active Member
I hope that you could produce fresh new practice exam for part II, more relevant to 2014 sullybus at least one week before the exam date


New Member
Hi David
I'm intending to take Part 1 Exam in November 2015. Is it wise for me to purchase the notes now or would the syllabus change?



Active Member
Hi David
I'm intending to take Part 1 Exam in November 2015. Is it wise for me to purchase the notes now or would the syllabus change?

i think it is better wait till in USA it is December 1st (the time when GAPR will publish its new syllabus) - only 5-6 days left. Then you would know how much is changed, what is added, what is deleted from prev. syllabus.


New Member
Thanks Hamu4ok. It was a though that resonated in my head and thanks for re-affirming me on this.



New Member
Hi @david i passed the nov 2014 frm part 1 exam (2232) but had a hard time. I guess i was just lucky. I want to review using your materials since ive read in the forum you really help the candidates study. Do i need to review all the part 1 materials in depth to pass part 2? What package would you recommend that i avail of? I want to pass part 2 with flying colors. Thanks!

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hello @hpbgm,

Thank you for your interest in Bionic Turtle and congratulations on passing Part 1! To answer your question about having to review the Part 1 materials in order to pass Part 2, here is a response that David has given to others who have asked the same question:

"Based on my years of working with the exams, here is my view: Part 2 depends on Part 1 implicitly but not explicitly. Here is what I mean: The Part 2 Learning Objectives are specific guidance and, in general, GARP will test them conceptually (sidebar: many assume the Learning Objectives are literal, rigorous guidance which is not necessarily true; it is better to think of them as a conceptual map to avoid the traps of memorization). In this explicit sense, Part 2 FRM should not test you against a Part 1 Learning Objective.

However, there a large swatchs of obvious implicit dependence: a Part 2 application that depends on at least a reference to Part 1 concept/tool. Many of the details in Part 1 will simply not be tested in Part 2, of course. But there are numerous examples of an implicit dependence; e.g., VaR backtest (P2.T6) assuming knowledge of binomial and Type I/II errors (P1.T2). I hope that helps a little bit!"

If you want to fully review all of the materials that are available on our website, we would recommend that you purchase the Part 2 Professional package. This gives you access to all of the materials that we publish. You can view all of the materials that are included HERE on our Features & Pricing page. You can also view samples of our materials in our Study Planner so you can see a snapshot of our materials before purchasing.

Please let me know if you have any other question.

Thank you,

Nicole Manley


Hi Nicole, I am thinking about switching from Advanced to Professional and I am curious to know as to when was the last time the focus review videos were updated?

Also,I can of course understand that the focus reviews will not contain all of the learning objectives but, is there a ball park to what percentage they do cover?

Finally, if do decide to upgrade from Advance to Professional how do I go about and do that?
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Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hi Nicole, I am thinking about switching from Advanced to Professional and I am curious to know as to when was the last time the focus review videos were updated?

Also,I can of course understand that the focus reviews will not contain all of the learning objectives but, is there a ball park to what percentage they do cover?

Finally, if do decide to upgrade from Advance to Professional how do I go about and do that?
Hello @dbansal

The focus review videos have not been updated in a number of years (2013), however, they are on our priority list to update for the 2018 exam year. We are currently in the process of updating our entire video library (many of which will be published by the end of this year). David tries to cover as many of the concepts as possible for each topic. David is very good at making sure that our videos cover the most important concepts. Although the focus review videos have not been updated in quite some time, MANY of the current concepts are still covered in them, as the GARP curriculum does not change completely each year. They have continued to be very helpful to our members through the years.

If you would like to upgrade, you would just need to contact me directly at [email protected]. The process is manual, so I can send you an invoice and get your account upgraded. The cost to upgrade is the difference in price between your current study package and the one that you would like to purchase.

Thank you,



Thanks Nicole. Is there any link to a sample focus review video? Typically, how long is each focus video for each topic? For example for Part 2 topic 5 - Market Risk - I see two videos. What is the total video time?

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Thanks Nicole. Is there any link to a sample focus review video? Typically, how long is each focus video for each topic? For example for Part 2 topic 5 - Market Risk - I see two videos. What is the total video time?
Hello @dbansal

We do not have samples for the focus review videos, but I can create some samples and publish them to the study planner. I will just need some time to prep and publish them today/tomorrow. The video samples are new, so we did not have them when the focus review videos were published (but I know the samples are very helpful!). These are the current video lengths for Part 2 focus review videos:
  • Market Risk video 1: 48 minutes
  • Market Risk video 2: 40 minutes
  • Credit Risk video 1: 38 minutes
  • Credit Risk video 2: 36 minutes
  • Operational Risk video 1: 32 minutes
  • Operational Risk video 2: 24 minutes
  • Risk Management video: 30 minutes
I will let you know when I've uploaded samples for the focus review videos.

Thank you,


Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hello @dbansal

We do not have samples for the focus review videos, but I can create some samples and publish them to the study planner. I will just need some time to prep and publish them today/tomorrow. The video samples are new, so we did not have them when the focus review videos were published (but I know the samples are very helpful!). These are the current video lengths for Part 2 focus review videos:
  • Market Risk video 1: 48 minutes
  • Market Risk video 2: 40 minutes
  • Credit Risk video 1: 38 minutes
  • Credit Risk video 2: 36 minutes
  • Operational Risk video 1: 32 minutes
  • Operational Risk video 2: 24 minutes
  • Risk Management video: 30 minutes
I will let you know when I've uploaded samples for the focus review videos.

Thank you,


I've created and published samples for the following focus review videos:


HI Nicole, I had a quick question about the focus review videos. Some of the videos are marked as "new" but I see that on the first slide of the video it is from 2012? What is new about them? For example: Risk Management and Investment Management Focus Review. Thanks!

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
HI Nicole, I had a quick question about the focus review videos. Some of the videos are marked as "new" but I see that on the first slide of the video it is from 2012? What is new about them? For example: Risk Management and Investment Management Focus Review. Thanks!
Hello @dbansal

Unfortunately, when anything is changed at all on the webpage (even a small changed in the description), it gets marked as new in the study planner. I have been updating the focus review videos with samples for unpaid members so they can see what they consist of before purchasing. You can always keep track of the materials that have been updated here on the update list: I update this list each time I publish new or updated materials.

Thank you,



Hi, I noticed that one focus review might be missing? In investment risk management I only see one video and it's the 7th of 8th video? Also, will you be updating any focus review videos before the november exam?