Great work Bionic Turtle team


Active Member
I can't find a suitable place for this, so I'll stick it here.

I want to express what a great tool set you guys put together between the practice questions (which often give me a stronger understanding of the topic), spread sheets, videos (especially your free Youtube ones), notes and forum support. Did I mention how awesome your practice questions are?

A a piece of feedback, you don't currently offer a package for just practice questions (and the associated forum access), and I think that a lot of people would be interested in that. I know I would be.

Oh, and the weekly recognition for forum participation is a nice touch.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hello @afterworkguinness

Thank you for your kind words! We work very hard to offer our members the materials that they need to successfully pass the FRM exam, and we are happy to hear how much they have helped you! Thank you for your suggestion about offering a study package with just practice questions. We have looked over our study packages very carefully through the years, and we determined that the cost of a package with just the practice questions would be very close to our Basic package which includes the study notes also. The study notes are a good addition to the practice questions, as they are a helpful summary of the readings. Our practice questions are one of our most sought out materials, and we feel that their value is worth the cost of our Basic package, since this also comes with full forum access. Our weekly forum contest has been a great deal of fun for us and for our members so it is great to hear positive feedback about the weekly contest! :)
