P2.T7.24.5 Risk Governance and Stress Testing

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Learning Objectives: Describe the role of risk governance, risk appetite, and risk culture in the context of an enterprise risk management (ERM) framework. Summarize the role of Basel regulatory capital and the process of determining internal economic capital. Describe elements of a stress-testing framework for financial institutions and explain best practices for stress testing. Explain challenges and considerations when developing and implementing models used in stress testing operational risk.


Bank Locale has recently expanded its mobile banking services to include a feature allowing users to perform real-time P2P (peer-to-peer) transactions and manage virtual credit cards. Given the associated risks, such as data breaches and fraud, the Chief Risk Officer (CRO) is focusing on aligning this new feature with the bank’s risk management protocols.

During a review meeting with the risk management teams, the CRO emphasizes the need to manage these risks in alignment with Bank of America's established risk governance, risk appetite, and risk culture.

Which of the following would be the most appropriate course of action?

a. Conduct a phased rollout of the new features, starting with a limited user group, while continuously monitoring and correcting for any security breaches or unusual activities.
b. Launch the new features to all customers immediately to gain a competitive market advantage, addressing risks only as they are reported.
c. Avoid introducing any new features because that could potentially introduce security risks, maintaining the status quo to ensure safety.
d. Outsource the security aspects of the new features to a third party, a regulated compliance vendor who has their own monitoring system in place, and the bank can use that.

24.5.2. A junior risk analyst, for the first time, reviews Basel's regulatory framework to assess how it aligns with our bank's risk exposure and strategic financial management needs. She summarizes her understanding as follows:
  1. Pillar 1 of Basel’s framework mandates minimum capital requirements to cover credit, market, and operational risks, ensuring that banks have a sufficient capital buffer against common types of financial risks.
  2. Under Pillar 2, banks can adjust their capital requirements based on a detailed internal risk assessment, allowing them to tailor their capital needs more closely to the specific risks they face.
  3. Pillar 3 enhances transparency by requiring banks to disclose their risk profiles and capital adequacy publicly, fostering a culture of market discipline and informed decision-making among stakeholders.
  4. Basel’s regulatory framework encourages banks to maximize their capital holdings to better align with regulatory requirements with investment objectives.
Which of the above statements is NOT correct?

a. Statement 1
b. Statement 2
c. Statement 3
d. Statement 4

24.5.3. An operational risk manager at Vega Bank Plc is tasked with enhancing the Bank's stress testing framework for operational risks, particularly in light of new regulatory requirements for stress testing beyond typical regulatory capital concerns.

Given the complexities described in the process of stress testing operational risks, which of the following strategies would best address the practical challenges associated with developing and implementing these models?

a. Increase the frequency distribution parameters in the Loss Distribution Approach (LDA) model to simulate heightened operational risk during economic downturns.
b. Apply a fixed 99.9% confidence interval across all operational risk scenarios to ensure uniformity in stress testing results.
c. Integrate a qualitative analysis of potential legal losses that could occur in future years to better prepare for long-term financial impacts
d. Focus solely on quantifiable risks in operational risk models to reduce the subjective input required in the modeling process

Answers here: