Pass FRM 2 with < 100hours preparation - study strategy?


New Member
Hi everyone,

due to an urgent project at work I won't be able to study more than 100hours before taking FRM part 2 exam. I am still confident about passing since I have a master's degree in Finance, 3 years of work experience in credit risk & regulatory (basel 2/3), passed part 1 with less than 200hours preparation with 1-2-1-1 and after all it is only multiple choice ;-)

I feel I just need the right study strategy. Is there anyone who has been in a similar situation? Any tipps on which topics I should focus or which ones to skip?
My plan at the moment is to watch the videos and go straight to practice questions. I am thankful for all hints and tipps!

Cheers Andi


Well-Known Member
If such is the scenario than i think you can take a chance with studying for 100 hours but its risky i mean i will definitely require more time than this or that you can begin your preparation for the next part 2 exam after this one that is forego this one as there is limited time for preparation.
If you want to give this time only then watch the videos properly and study formula sheets of David and do as many practice Questions as possible thats it. I think doing this three stuff will help you and please be focused while watching videos. Frm part ii tests a lot of formulas and their direct applications so please study and memorize all of them which are given in the formula sheet which will increase your chances of passing.I would again emphasis on remembring all formulas by heart and understand them properly should be your first task and then videos should be watches with lot of focus and do practice Questions.


New Member
i respectfully disagree with the last comment; when I did Part II exam last May I found more theory then I expected in the test! When I was studying, I spent a lot of time on the formulas and not so much on the theory, so I had a bit of hard time at the exam. Nevertheless, I passed it :)
Just my humble opionion. anyway.


Well-Known Member
Well theory in what respect you are talking about. That is most of the theory is based on numbers when i look at them. Every theory is trying to explian numbers for me and after all finance is a number game. If you look at the examples for frm they are mostly number based i think. I am not talking about that there is no theory yes there is basel readings, talk about dealer banks , qualitative descriptions of many concepts but most of the examples for Garp is number based. And yes from my side i liked numbers and i saw numbers and formulas as my main strength and focused on that i am not telling to leave out theory but only that to focus on numbers and formulas and read the theory as well. THeory can be read and understood but numbers and formulas ypu need to write and understand and do it yourself like we do in spreadsheets, spreadsheets are full of numbers, so thats my main point to try everything related to numbers and formulas are same i think.