Portfolio Delta calculation


New Member
In R27.P1.T4.Hull_Ch13_15 page 46 while calculating the Delta of the portfolio why are we subtracting each option position and it's individual delta with that of other options.


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi @SaiJyotsna92 I moved this post to this T4 forum.

They are subtracted because they are short positions. [Position Greek] = Quantity * [Percentage Greek] where a short position is captured as negative quantity; for example, short 200,000 call options each with (percentage) delta of 0.468 = (-200,000)*0.468. When neutralizing, we are generally neutralizing position Greeks. We have many discussion about this on the forum, a good search is "percentage delta" (which is Carol Alexander's term) https://forum.bionicturtle.com/threadloom/search?query=percentage delta&tab=237

but here is one of my earlier explanations, I hope it is helpful! https://forum.bionicturtle.com/threads/l1-t4-7-dynamic-delta-hedging.4839/ i.e.,
David's ProTip: I learned from Carol Alexander a useful semantic distinction (not in Hull). Consider a position in 100 call options with per-option delta of 0.6:
  • The Percentage Delta is 0.6; this is the unitless first partial derivative, dc/dS
  • The Position Delta is 60 because Position Delta = Quantity * Percentage Delta.
  • If we are long, we use (+) quantity: Position Delta (long 100 calls) = +100 * 0.6 = +60;
  • If we are short , we use (-) quantity: Position Delta (short 100 calls) = -100 * 0.6 = -60
  • To neutralize is to get the position Greek to zero
This is robust, for example:
  • Selling puts increases position delta because -QTY * -% delta = +position delta; i.e., % delta of puts always negative; % delta of calls is always positive
  • Selling calls or puts decreases position gamma because -QTY * +% gamma = - position gamma; i.e., % gamma is always positive for both calls & puts
Just as we use dollar duration (not modified duration) to neutralize duration in the portfolio, we neutralize an option Greek by summing Position Greeks to zero. I often see candidates trying to neutralize with percentage delta directly, but you can't, you need to sum the "Position" Greeks. I hope that's useful! David
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