Questions selection for exam paper - FRM-2


Active Member
Hi David,

Wondering if GARP selects the questions randomly by some program when they set the question paper by each subject as we know each subject has fixed %, or questions are selected manually ?

How do they give weightage to topic per subject? Like Credit Risk and Operational Risks have more than 20 topics and as we know each subject will have max 20 questions so how do they decide how many questions will be chosen from each topic?

Also anyway to know which section can be skipped given syllabus is very vast?

Thank you for your help.

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi @jaivipin I think your questions are very good. I have asked GARP (many times) these questions, and variations on them--and many more questions actually--but I have never received a satisfactory answer. For example, I've reported many examples of sections that can be extremely time consuming to candidates, yet for which we have no GARP-written practice questions (as prototypes or examples); my hypothesis is that some sub-sub-sections are never tested. GARP does not publish the actual exams after they are vetted, a policy which I do not like. Then our only our specific evidence is the practice exams. But the problem with them is that they have not been substantially updated in about 4 years. Further, the practice exams are very unbalanced within Topics; i.e., specific concepts garner repeated attention, while most concepts have no coverage. I have argued repeatedly for better "prospective clarity," but we just don't have it. So i can't really give an answer to your question. If you do write/contact GARP, please think about copying (cc: ) us or letting us know, as we definitely try to stay on top of the issue(s) and be an "advocate" for candidates. Thank you!


Active Member
Thank you very very much David. I really appreciate the way you are available to all your candidates and answer all their queries.. Thank you for your time.