Terminology use for practice questions & study notes

Gerard Chan

New Member
Can BT explain how to differentiate the terminology use for
Study Notes
2013P1 : Valuation vs 2012.T4 Valuation. What is the meaning of T4 and P1?

Practice Questions
P1.T2 Quantitative Analysis - P1 refers to Part 1 and T2 refers to Topic 2 i.e. Quantitative Analysis?
P1.T1 Foundations - P1 refers to Part 1 and T1 refers to Topic 1 which is Foundations.
Kindly confirm my understanding.
Thank you.

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM

Yes, that is currently correct. P1 = Part 1 FRM, P2 = Part 2 FRM.

P1 FRM includes four topics
T1. Foundations of Risk Management
T2. Quantitative Analysis
T3. Financial Markets and Products
T4. Valuation and Risk Models

Part II AIM Statements
T5. Market Risk
T6. Credit Risk
T7. Operational and Integrated Risk
T8. Risk Management and Investment Management
T9. Current Issues

But we are working a new Study Planner that will eliminate the TX syntax in favor of the actual text labels, as we realize it's not super-intutive, but the new study planner deploys after the May exam. Thanks!

Suzanne Evans

Well-Known Member
That is correct David.

CJL - As I am updating them they will look like:


We are also going to be updating the study notes and breaking them down by readings vs. entire topics.

I hope that helps!



New Member
Hi David.. This is venkat from Chennai, India , a great fan of yours and BT member in 2008,2009. A typical problem for FRm candidate is how to rectify an answer in the exam after marking it in the answer paper. ie.,after marking 'x' for a choice option , to change them how to perfect the correction process without losing the mark GARP penalises for a wrong process. The answer sheet has a carbon paper and one finds a box adjoining the circles.
Will be grateful if this clarified and advised
venkat, chennai