Tutorial material for ALM and Counterparty Credit Risk


New Member
Hi David -- I am former student for yours (FRM 2008) -- always enjoy your site and the materials therein. I am looking for "David Harper" quality tutorial materials for ALM and Counterparty Credit Risk. I notice that you've advertized KESDEE (sp?) which appears to sell such stuff. Do you know anything about the quality of the materials? Any reviews anywhere? Do they do screencasts like you? I got spoiled by the quality of your materials and I am loath to look elsewhere:)


David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
Hi sridhar,

We haven't added reviews yet (it is a long term plan). We will start reviewing the KESDEE tutorials after the core FRM is prepared (our arrangement with them allows us to be 100% objective). My high-level view is that frankly they don't have the depth of our approach. However, they have far more breadth and the products are "value-oriented" not "premium" (not premium-priced). My hope was they add affordable value to our members ...
... but I don't know how it will end up. We've had purchases, but we haven't systematically collected feedback, so it's early. The only thing i know is that we want to be trusted, so we will adjust based on feedback. We don't need to grow huge, but we do need to keep our reputation, so our aspirational value to be a "trusted expert resource" will decide the matter. Visitors and customers get to decide what works, anything that dilutes that principle, we'll stop doing.

(to my knowledge, they do not do screencasts. It has been much harder than i ever expected to add screencasting resources or talent .... I am always looking for that help, but it is more scare than I expected)

Thanks, David