Watch policy on the exam


Not quite sure where to put this, so feel free to move to another place in the forum if required.

Since i've read quite some dubious things about whether or not a watch is allowed on the exam, which type of watch and whether it is allowed on your table, i sent an inquiry to GARP. For reference, this is the GARP policy on bringing a watch on the exam.

You can use a watch on exam day. However, the watch cannot have a calculator on it or an alarm. It must simply only provide the function of giving time.
It can be analog or digital and it MUST be on your wrist. You cannot keep it on the table.
Marta Amorim

I find it a bit weird that it must be on your wrist and you cannot keep it on the table. I don't see any rational motivation for that, so i asked what the logic behind this is:

If you want to take a watch with you on exam day it must be on your wrist. We ask this because we do not want you to have an unfair advantage over other candidates. If it is on your desk you will run the risk of having the proctor write a violations report against you.
Again, if you want to bring a watch with you it must be on your wrist.
Marta Amorim

If you ask me, that sounds like they just implemented a policy and actually don't really have an idea why they did it like that. How is it an unfair advantage if your watch is on the table and not when it is on your wrist? I realize it's a trivial issue and i'll be happy to keep it on my wrist if that makes them happy, but unless someone can explain to me the difference, i see no logic in this policy whatsoever.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member

Thank you for posting this information. I'm sure it will be helpful for others who had the same question regarding GARP's watch policy. I'm giving you a gold star :)
