Blog Week in Risk (ending April 30th)

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
In the forum this week (selected only)
Bank and banking
Political and regulatory risk, including Systemic Risk (including BIS)
Natural Science, including Climate and Energy
Technology, including FinTech and Cybersecurity
Exams, Financial Associations (GARP, FRM, CFA Institute) and Careers, including CRO Interviews
Books and Courses (including Journal/SSRN)
  • Adaptive Markets, by Andrew Lo ( “A remarkable new paradigm puts human instinct at the heart of market behaviour … The result is dazzling in both its erudition and its charm. I suspect that Lo’s book will join the financial texts that have come to symbolise schools of thought in the public mind, like Burton Malkiel’s A Random Walk Down Wall Street (1973) or Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s The Black Swan (2007).”
  • Q&A with Michael Covel author of Trend Following: How to Make a Fortune in Bull, Bear, and Black Swan Markets
  • The Business-School Boondoggle (“The Golden Passport” by Duff McDonald is a deliciously iconoclastic history of Harvard Business School)
Personal finance
Enterprise risk management (ERM) including Governance
Financial reporting, including Accounting and Audit
Case Studies and Companies, including Strategic or Reputation risk
Risk Foundations (FRM P1.T1)
Quantitative Analysis (FRM P1.T2)
Financial Markets and Products, including Interest Rates, Commodity Risk, and Foreign Exchange (FX)(FRM P1.T3)
  • How your selfie could affect your life insurance “Several life insurance companies are testing Lapetus technology that uses facial analytics and other data to estimate life expectancy …” Here is the fascinating company featured, Lapetus and their whitepaper
  • Measuring Interest Rate Risk in the Very Long Term (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
  • What I’ve learned in a year building a startup that files health insurance claims “Members’ policies are written in intentionally ambiguous language … Insurance companies run a system that is confusing by design. Insurance companies have created systems that are cumbersome and error prone by design. About 15 or 20 percent of the time, phone calls will just drop. For no discernible reason, an automated system or tele-robot will chime in with a “Goodbye” and then hang up. Companies frequently lose documentation and files, which we have to re-send in through fax machines or mail. Then their OCR, or optical character recognition systems for reading these claims, are terrible.”
  • Morningstar’s New Funds Gambit: Opportunity and Controversy
  • Creating a VIX Futures Term Structure In R From Official CBOE Settlement Data
  • A trading startup is setting out to tackle a key problem in the world's most important market “However, liquidity in the Treasury market is divided between on-the-run Treasurys, or the most recently issued bonds and therefore the most liquid, and off-the-run bonds. Off-the-run bonds represent 98% of the total outstanding issuance in the US Treasury market, according to OpenDoor, but account for less than a third of average daily trading volume.”
Credit risk (FRM P1.T6)
Operational risk, including Legal risk (FRM P1.T7)
  • The 93 Words That Could Unlock $200 Billion in Bank Capital (Proposed changes in the way banks calculate the size of their financial cushion against operational risk could free up a windfall) “At Bank of America Corp. , a big portion of the firm’s operational-risk exposure stems from its purchase of Countrywide Financial, the defunct subprime lender for which it has already paid billions of dollars in fines and settlements. Operational risk accounted for $500 billion of the bank’s $1.5 trillion in risk-weighted assets at the end of 2016.”
Investment risk, including Pensions (FRM P1.T8)
Current issues (FRM P2.T9)
  • Risk-Wary Banks Chill Bitcoin Market (At least three exchanges have said in recent weeks they can’t process transactions in dollars,
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Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Did you know that I create a blog out of David's Week in Risk post every week??!! I really love his compilation of selected forum posts and articles, and turn it into a visually appealing blog to share with our followers on social media and blog subscribers :D Here is the link to this week's blog: You can also scroll to the bottom of the webpage to subscribe so you are notified whenever we publish a new blog post! @David Harper CFA FRM thank you for providing such great insight on what is going on around the world of risk management every week!


Well-Known Member
Hi @Nicole Seaman,

Did not know that as I just recently started taking a closer look on David's 'Week in Risk'. Was so immersed with other queries in the forum (helping others out and sharing a bit of my experience with all fellows and @David Harper CFA FRM.). Looks fantastic at first glance, outstanding job. Hands down!

The only thing which is quite a pain is the fact that no one can award you a star for this job! Would definitely deserve one.

Keep up with this work! Thank you.
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