Blog Week in Risk (ending October 15th)

David Harper CFA FRM

David Harper CFA FRM
New practice questions
New YouTube Videos (We started a new series!)
In the forum this week (selected only) or Major News
Bank and banking
Natural Science, including Climate and Energy
  • Why the 2017 fire season is shaping up to be one of California’s worst “Over time, the edges of cities have encroached on wild spaces. The close proximity between private property and wildlands allows fires to spread more rapidly and damage or destroy more property in the process. That allows fires during this part of the year to spread more rapidly into urbanized areas, Jin said. Many of these at-risk areas are in wildland-urban interface areas, or WUIs — where housing and vegetation intermix or come within close proximity of each other.”
  • Analysis: How well have climate models projected global warming?
Technology, including FinTech and Cybersecurity
  • Content Analysis of Cyber Insurance Policies (How do carriers write policies and price cyber risk?) by RAND Corporatoin “In this research, we collect and analyze over 100 cyber insurance policies filed with state insurance commissioners. By analyzing these policies, we provide the first-ever analysis of the underwriting process for cyber insurance and uncover how insurance companies understand and price cyber risks.”
  • Global Regulators Play Bitcoin Whack-a-Mole as Demand Explodes “Global efforts to regulate digital money have accelerated in the past month since China banned initial coin offerings and ordered all cryptocurrency exchanges to close … It’s a development that creators of bitcoin, the best-known digital currency, saw coming, and prepared for. Since it works on a peer-to-peer network, users can buy and sell coins and secure and perpetuate the system without any government or central bank involvement. Trying to control it is like trying to catch water, said Alex Tapscott.”
  • Bitcoin’s Rise Happened in Shadows of Finance. Now Banks Want In
  • Criticizing Ethereum — weaknesses of the internet 3.0 and a good Ethereum explainer by the same author
Case Studies and Companies, including Strategic or Reputation risk
Quantitative Analysis (FRM P1.T2)
Financial Markets and Products, including Interest Rates, Commodity Risk, and Foreign Exchange (FX)(FRM P1.T3)
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