FAQ Before Exam When to purchase BT material?


New Member
Hello, I am wondering how soon the BT material of FRM 2 will be updated once the GARP announced the new curriculum on Dec 1. I am not sure whether I should buy the BT FRM 2 material now, by the end of the year, or in the new year. Anyone can give me some advice, I greatly appreciate your feedback.

Nicole Seaman

Director of CFA & FRM Operations
Staff member
Hello, I am wondering how soon the BT material of FRM 2 will be updated once the GARP announced the new curriculum on Dec 1. I am not sure whether I should buy the BT FRM 2 material now, by the end of the year, or in the new year. Anyone can give me some advice, I greatly appreciate your feedback.
Hello @janehe1111 We update our materials throughout the year, so they are not all updated and published by a specific time. When you purchase a study package, however, it is valid for one full year. This includes all updates that are published during that time, so you will have access to the most updated materials that we have throughout the time that your study package is active. I hope that helps to answer your question!