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  1. B

    Exam Feedback May 2021 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    On the other side, the only answer that said “the arranger should perform due diligence on the originator” was the adverse selection choice I believe; anyone recall?
  2. B

    Exam Feedback May 2021 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    I got your thinking and that’s how I proceed, but GARP practice exercises says is predatory lending/borrowing. See bellow:
  3. B

    Exam Feedback May 2021 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Yeah time weight average default rate, got like 15,39%. same here, mezzanine behaved like equity
  4. B

    Exam Feedback May 2021 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    You are correct, I got that wrong lol
  5. B

    Exam Feedback May 2021 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Can’t recall the letter sorry
  6. B

    Exam Feedback May 2021 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    I recall 14. It was adverse selection.
  7. B

    Exam Feedback May 2021 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Yeah correct that table! You got it alright
  8. B

    Exam Feedback May 2021 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Only stress PD was given
  9. B

    Exam Feedback May 2021 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Correct, was just stressed PD since it was a loan portfolio.
  10. B

    Exam Feedback May 2021 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Can’t recall the exact number sorry haha
  11. B

    Exam Feedback May 2021 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Also picked correlation swap
  12. B

    Exam Feedback May 2021 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Q9 I performed as you, we could get the correlation among them since we have the EL under normal conditions but if taken that correlation assumption to get Stress Loss the answers did not match any of the given ones. So the Stress Loss is just EL - ELs. ELs just taking PDs. yeah it was...
  13. B

    Exam Feedback May 2021 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    same here, worked in 1 & 2 LoD. In a serious organization 1LoD will never challenge their models, that’s a nonsense. How is the model development team gonna bring up weaknesses on their own models? They will try to cover up if so. that’s 2LoD job, challenge; it’s even on a the Guide to Internal...
  14. B

    Exam Feedback May 2021 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    Exactly, First Line of Defence doesn't challenge their own models; its 2LoD which does that (Risk Managers / Validation Unit) and after their "Ok" it gets approval.
  15. B

    Exam Feedback May 2021 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    The exam was tricky, totally agree. In this case the question mentioned for choice B that the CRO should be responsible for the escalation levels on the contingency plan, not the contingency plan itself. Thats why its choice B, it is on BT notes.
  16. B

    Exam Feedback May 2021 Part 2 Exam Feedback

    It can't be A. By selecting A you are telling the owners to challenge their own performance which is a complete lack of independency. Correct one was B.
  17. B

    2021 Exam Updates from GARP (for 2021 postponed exam updates only)

    Hi Nicole, Seats are limited only for the Part 1 correct? They are doing computer based exams If I recall correctly. Regards
  18. B

    PLEASE READ: Publishing Process for 2021

    Thanks a lot Nicole for the quick reply! I'll keep doing exercises until new ones come out. Regards
  19. B

    PLEASE READ: Publishing Process for 2021

    Hello, As I am starting doing exercises related to Market Risk; I find a light number of practice questions related to Correlation Risk. Seems like the Chapters 1, 2 and 5 (Meissner) are heavy to understand and I would like to know if BT is planning on adding more exercises? I remember doing...
  20. B

    Any whatsapp study group for P2 May 2021?

    Here also, FRM candidate lvl 2. Based in Spain.