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  1. Elizabeth_Babalola

    Errors Found in Study Materials P1.T2. Quantitative Methods (OLD thread)

    Good Day David, An excerpt from the study notes say this: Instead i would say: [ w\wedge2\sigma a\wedge2\;+\;(1-w)\wedge2\sigma b\wedge2\;+\;2.w.(1-w).\sigma ab \] That should be more accurate.
  2. Elizabeth_Babalola

    P1.T1.20.8. Modern portfolio theory (MPT)

    Thanks @David. The last equation is not clear though
  3. Elizabeth_Babalola

    P1.T1.20.8. Modern portfolio theory (MPT)

    This does not relate to this thread. Unfortunately, i could not find a suitable one. Taking a look at the second bullet point under the relationship between Sharpe and Jensen; are we dividing by \[ \sigma p\; \] or \[ \sigma m\; \]
  4. Elizabeth_Babalola

    Course Which Bionic Turtle is the best for studying? based on your opinions

    I feel quite overwhelmed with the study materials. I plan on sticking with either the video or the notes (not both) for each topic. Will i miss out on anything if i adopt this strategy?